Chapter 1587 Faith (37)

Only the girl leaning against the god's arms silently looked at the benevolent god.

Regarding what he said, I don't know whether to believe it or not.





Soon, it was time for the Lord to meditate again.

The ten servants of God retreated quietly as usual.

Abraham, the leader, saw that Checia was still clinging to the Lord God, so he couldn't help but look cold.

"Cesia, it's time for you to come out, please don't disturb the Lord's meditation."

The beautiful Chesian angel still stomped on the white robe of the Lord wantonly with her slender feet, without any scruples.

She is like a child who cannot be separated from the Lord, clinging to the Lord at all times and refusing to let go.

She heard Abraham's words, but it was as if she didn't hear them.

Sticking out her tongue coquettishly, she leaned into the arms of the divine master and snuggled up to him.

"I won't, I'm going to make trouble with him."

People who can't leave half a step away have a strong desire for revenge.

It is to make trouble on purpose so that he can't get things done.

Abraham frowned and was about to speak.

But the Lord shook his head lightly, indicating that he could leave.

Abraham would naturally obey the will of the Lord.

He didn't dare to speak any more, he lowered his head and quietly retreated.

Before he left, he could still see that Chesia, who was too reckless, was playing with the Lord's fingers one after another.

With a look of no scruples, he is almost about to step on the head of the Lord.

Abraham moved his mouth soundlessly.

For some reason, the confusion in my heart that had just been answered suddenly appeared like a resurgence.

It made him feel a little strange.

Unspeakably strange.

The gate of the temple was quickly closed, and the scene of the last scene played back in Abraham's mind uncontrollably.

This made him couldn't help but think, Lord...

Is it really just because Cecia is his child that he loves her?

Is it really not mixed with... other feelings?




Chesia sat in the arms of the god, rubbing her slender white feet against him, and her beautiful eyeballs did not blink.

God was tolerant of her, and just gently rubbed her head.

She was not offended by her rude behavior.

At this moment, there was no one in the temple, only the two of them were left.

Because it was too quiet, even the sound of the clothes being rubbed could be heard clearly.

Cecia stared at him, then suddenly raised her hand to touch his warm face.

When the Lord's gentle eyes fell, she looked at him and said softly, "You..."

Do you really love me?
She didn't say the next few words.

It's just hidden between those lips and teeth, as if to ask, but also as if to swallow again.

The gentle god stared at her quietly.

As if waiting for her to finish speaking.

But Cecia didn't speak anymore.

She just grabbed his hand and put it on her heart.

And there, what was flowing right now was his warm blood.

The seemingly harmless blood has now become the biggest shackle that binds her.

Lock her soul completely and never come out again.

She also... It's hard to leave him for half a minute.

The Lord's fingers froze for a moment.

She looked at him fixedly, and seemed to be smiling.

Like, laughing at his hatred.

"Lord, you are so hypocritical..."

She whispered in his ear, softly.

Every word is sarcasm, with sarcasm.

"..." The benevolent god lowered his eyes with a calm expression.

(End of this chapter)

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