Chapter 1625 You Are My Faith (End)

It was like, what Azazel liked to do to her.


She has a soft voice, coquettish and soft.

Kiss the corner of his lips and rub him.

He knows how to use his own advantages to soften his heart and make him let go.

The god gently rubbed her head without exerting any force.

In response to her cat-like advances and intimacy, he lowered his head and rubbed the tip of her nose against her.

This is the end of the grind between lovers.

It's so sweet that it's heart-wrenching.

"Really not leaving?"

He spoke softly, his tone extremely soft.

As if about to let go.

Cecia gave a soft hum, wrapped her arms around him, and kissed him.

Kiss once, kiss again.

It's a bit of a taste, but it's extraordinarily provocative.

This trick is almost lore.

The god said nothing more.

Only slightly, he hugged her tightly.

In an instant, Cesia felt that the restraint on her body had eased a lot.

He let go of her confinement.

Cecia finally breathed a sigh of relief in her heart.

The body also relaxes.

The gods naturally knew her thoughts, so they just watched her quietly and smiled.

"You can go to play, but you have to come back obediently, you know?"

The gentle big hands gently rubbed her head, treating her like a childish child.

Always extra caring and considerate.

It seems that if she doesn't remind her, she will always be careless and forget the way home.

For a moment, Cecia seemed to see the shadow of Jiu Ge.

He would do the same, rubbing her head when she was playing, reminding her to go home early.

Treat her like a child, so gentle.

Cecia was stunned for a moment.

When the god lowered her head and kissed her forehead, she trembled and withdrew her thoughts in a panic.

Hold him tight and be quiet.

Always very dependent.

"it is good."

She said yes to him.





The ancient "Bible" records:
Chesia, the charming angel, is the most beloved angel of the lord of God, Jehovah. She is evil in nature and likes to play tricks on people's hearts.

Since Chesia tempted Adam and Eve to eat the forbidden fruit, in order to prevent Chesia from making a big mistake again, God asked her to be by her side, watch over her all day long, and not leave without authorization.

But Checia, who yearns for freedom by nature, doesn't like God's care of her, and she doesn't want to live in the temple all the time.

Relying on God's love for her, she acted recklessly in the temple, venting her temper without any scruples.

Even, in order to regain freedom, Checia made a bet to God.

As long as she wins, she can regain her freedom and leave the temple.

The God who loves her never refuses her request.

However, the content of the bet, except for God and Chesia, no one can know.

Even Abraham, the head of the servant of God, could only stay outside the temple and could not hear half of the content of the bet.

The final result was beyond everyone's expectations.

God lost, and Checia was free.

God allowed Checia to leave, but Checia did not choose to leave.

Chesia, who is smart and repays her kindness, feels God's good intentions for her.

So, in order to repay God's gift to her, she chose to stay in the temple and choose to accompany the gods by her side.

For such a lovely and beautiful angel, God has pity on her and bestowed more blessings and love on her.

In order to record this warm scene, devout believers drew this "God's Gift".

Since then, it has been passed down to this day.

(End of this chapter)

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