Chapter 1626 You Are My Faith (Extra)
In the cozy room with light yellow lights, the handsome and elegant priest slowly closed the heavy Bible.

After the last word of the story was told, the room fell silent.

The boy on the bed was covered with a quilt, his eyes were wide open, and he was still not sleepy.

On the contrary, I am very curious about the contents of the Bible and have many questions to ask.

"Mr. Priest, does God really love Chesia Angel? How much does God love it? Will I love it as much as my doll?"

The elegant and handsome priest wore gold-rimmed glasses, bright red lips, and his movements were elegant and noble.

Slowly putting the "Bible" on the side of the bedside table, he smiled slightly, his deep and charming light golden eyes looked extraordinarily charming under the warm light.

It seems that in the next second, people will be intoxicated in it, unable to extricate themselves.

With a clear voice, he said slowly: "I think God loves Cecia much more than you love dolls."

"For you, there are many dolls, and you can still buy them if they are broken, but for Mr. God, there is only one, the only one."

"If Cesia is injured or disappears, Mr. God is afraid... he will make some crazy moves to restore Cesia."

"What crazy move?"

The little boy was very curious, "Could it be that he will destroy the world for this?"

The elegant and dignified priest smiled faintly and said nothing.

He picked up the water glass from the side, lowered his eyelids, and calmly took a sip.

Moisten the throat, and the lips are full of fresh rosy.

The little boy obviously still has more to say, and wants to continue asking.

But it was time for the priest to tell him a bedtime story, and he had no intention of staying any longer.

The hour hand on the wall had already pointed to eight o'clock, and the handsome and tall priest stood up slowly, and picked up the "Bible" beside him.

"You should go to sleep, Mr. Eggers."

"I hope you can have a good dream tonight."

The little boy let out a long ah, his face full of disappointment.

"How time flies!"

He looked reluctantly at the clock on the wall.

It is a rule that Mr. Father must leave after eight o'clock every night.

Although he is young and still a child, he must abide by Mr. Priest's rules.

Otherwise, Mr. Priest would never come again.

Eggers consciously covered himself with a quilt and watched Mr. Priest leave.

Mr. Father thoughtfully turned off the light in the room for him, and was about to close the door.

In the darkness, Eggers' voice suddenly sounded.

He asked, "Mr. Priest, can you tell stories with me until 08:30 next time? I am willing to spend the time watching TV every day to pray for you."

He was always extraordinarily sincere.

Unfortunately, Mr. Priest smiled and refused.

"Sorry, Eggers, eight o'clock is already the best time."

"If it is later, I think my wife will be anxious at home."

"……All right."

Eggers was disappointed.

The door of the room was gently closed, and the room returned to silence.

The tall and handsome Mr. Priest left here with a smile amidst the thanksgiving voices of Eggers' parents.

Carrying the heavy and ancient "Bible", through the holy and silent church, through the dark and long streets.

Under the bath of the bright moonlight, I returned to my home——

Lights on, warm home. .

(End of this chapter)

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