Chapter 1630 Canary (3)

With a sound of "pa--", it slammed heavily on the bodies of those military guards.

The military whip covered with chili is specially made for interrogating prisoners, with sharp barbs and hooks on it.

A whip can even tear off a large piece of flesh from a person.

The degree of pain can be imagined.

"Damn it, how many times should I emphasize discipline?"

He slapped those guards hard.

The maid and mother-in-law next to her were so scared that she forgot to cry, and she was so scared that she pushed her away again and again.

In the room full of the smell of medicine, it became inexplicably silent, only the sound of the whip whipping continuously.

The specially trained military guards did not dare to dodge even if they were whipped.

Stand there straight, even if it hurts, you can't shout.

Neck is sore and red.

"You don't listen to the chief's words, do you?! Touch a woman?! Want to rape her?!"

The deputy chief of staff kicked them down hard.

"What did you say about military discipline?! Damn it, recite it for me!"

The whip came down again and again, and the bodies of those who violated military discipline were already covered with blood.

It fell drop by drop, but they didn't dare to cry out the pain.

He could only kneel down, straighten his body, grit his teeth, and speak loudly,

"Only move money, not women and children! Those who rape, plunder and kill, die!"

This is the death rule of Xiaojun's army, set by the chief himself, and no one can break it.

The deputy chief of staff whipped them severely in public, also in order to scare chickens and monkeys, and to imitate others.

Otherwise, if the chief of staff or even the head is here, it will be more than just whipping.

They endured the pain and continued to recite.

Inside the bead curtain.

The sick beauty who was coughing on the sick bed seemed to have no strength in her hands supporting her body.

Because the door was open and the wind blew in, she leaned thinly on the bed, her slender back trembling uncontrollably.

There was no color on his face.

With half-closed eyes, listening to the scolding and whipping outside, her cough became softer.

Breathing becomes somewhat rapid and weak.

The slender and white fingers couldn't even move because of lack of strength.

The drooping long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her cheeks were already white enough to be almost transparent.

The whole person is like a fish that has been caught ashore. Due to severe coughing and difficulty breathing, he looks dying, as if he is about to die.

Already on the verge of life and death.

Chunhua, the maid who has been taking care of her, immediately noticed her strangeness.

There were still tears in the corners of her eyes, and she was shaking uncontrollably as the gun was pointed at her.

But she saw that her young lady was on the verge of dying, if she didn't drink the medicine, if she kept blowing like this, she might not be able to last for an hour.

She was trembling and anxious.

She wanted to move, but the indifferent military guard pointed a gun at her head, and even kicked her hard.

"Don't move! If you want to die, move again!"

Xiaojun just couldn't rape and insult women and children, but he didn't say he couldn't kill women and children.

The gunslinger is merciless, that is a fact.

Chunhua almost cried.

"Marshal, Marshal, I beg you, let me go in and see Miss..."

"Our young lady is weak and can't blow the wind. If I don't drink the medicine, my young lady won't be able to hold on..."

She knelt down and begged him endlessly.

She even wanted to go forward, hugged his leg, and begged bitterly.

The deputy chief of staff with the whip was a little impatient when she interrupted her.

(End of this chapter)

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