Chapter 1631 Canary (4)

Putting down the whip, he took a look at the bead curtain.


He had always heard that Miss Yun's body was weak, but now that she saw it, she really was a person who had stepped into a coffin with half her body.

It's a pity...that good looks.

He threw the whip into the hand of the guard beside him, and he didn't seem to be in a hurry at all, obviously he had no intention of saving her at all.

He said: "If you die, you will die. It's so fucking annoying to be crying!"

"Take them all out, and quickly count the number of people!"


The army was ready to go, shouting like thunder.





In the end, the sick beauty, who was so weak that her breathing was weak, still didn't have time to drink the medicine.

The deputy chief of staff still felt sorry for her, and allowed the servant girl to simply put on a cloak for her, and then she was helped out.

The thin and pale beauty almost didn't even have the strength to walk.

He was helped to the empty courtyard and knelt down together with a crowd of weeping women.

Because she had no strength, and the wind was blowing straight, she coughed violently again after being cooled by the wind.

Leaning weakly on Chunhua's shoulder, her frail Liu Mei frowned slightly.

The eye feathers, which were about to fly, also drooped sleepily, without a trace of life.

The exquisite and beautiful person is full of sickness, and the original delicate lips have gradually lost their color.

The body is gradually becoming cold.

Like a weak butterfly falling with fallen leaves, or a snow-white lotus trampled in the mud.

In the rustling autumn wind, the temperature gradually lost.

Immediately, it will disappear.

Chunhua kept crying, because she heard the young lady's cough getting weaker and weaker, and her breathing getting lighter and lighter.

But she didn't know what to do, and she didn't know what to do to save the young lady.

The master has left the city and has not returned for a long time, and the family is full of aunts who hate young ladies. Now everyone is pointed at by guns, and it is difficult to protect themselves. It is impossible for anyone to help.

What to do... what can she do...

Chunhua couldn't help but grabbed the foot of the guard at the side, crying, "Master, I beg you, please let my lady go lady really can't blow the wind...she won't run away...please You let her go back..."

The military guard looked impatient.

Originally, he wanted to kick her away, but seeing that poor beauty was leaning against her, he didn't move his feet.

He only retracted his legs, was indifferent and ruthless, and ignored her at all.

Chunhua cried with tears all over her face.

"Miss...what can I do, miss..."

Supporting the frail and delicate man, she anxiously looked around, trying to find an officer with a higher rank.

But among the people present, except for the military guards, it seemed that the person called the deputy chief of staff had the highest status.

But he has no time to talk to others at the moment, he is standing outside the gate of the mansion, making some arrangements.

It seemed that a higher-ranking officer was coming soon.

The team with strict military discipline moved quickly.

The originally messy mansion was tidied up and looked brand new.

Next, all unrelated personnel must be transferred.

I don't know where it will be transferred.

Chunhua was so anxious that she burst into tears, seeing that the young lady was about to die, if she made another big move, she might be——

She stared tearfully outside the mansion, trying in vain to let the chief of staff come in so that she could beg him again.

But, he never came in.

He didn't even look at him, and his expression became very serious.

Not long after, the crowd at the door was forcibly evacuated.

The military guards are guarded everywhere, and the guards are tight.

(End of this chapter)

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