Chapter 1640 Canary (13)

Lu Zongsheng immediately accepted, "Yes, I will prescribe the medicine right away."

When he was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and stayed.

"After taking the medicine tonight, Ms. Yun may develop a high fever, so...maybe I need to prepare more hot water to clean my body."

He said this sentence in a strange way, and when he said it, he checked the expression of the person in front of him.

The man in military uniform swept over with his dark and plain gaze.

No joy, no anger, nothing.

It's like listening to something that doesn't matter.

Lu Zongsheng then closed his mouth, "I'll go and prescribe the medicine."





Lu Zongsheng returned to the military hospital with the medicine box.

Because the battle had not yet started, there were not many wounded patients in the hospital, and only a few came to change their dressings.

Back in the office, Lu Zongsheng quickly made an order and asked the nurse to pick up the medicine.

The drugs involved in the drug list are all frighteningly expensive and hard to find.

When the nurse came out with the medicine list, she flipped through it strangely and muttered, "What kind of patient is this..."

Taking the medicine once, it is estimated that the whole family's wealth will be wiped out.

She muttered, looked at it for a while, and then walked away quickly.

At this time, in the office.

The medicine chest was casually set aside, and the window folds were drawn up.

Through the faint light from the window, Lu Zongsheng sat there and slowly opened a document.

There is not much content on it, but his face is a little dignified.

I kept looking at the words on the document, and seemed to be thinking a lot.

On the file is a medical record.

The name on the medical record is ordinary, and the age is also very normal. It seems that it is just an ordinary patient's medical record.

Only the medical records are full of medical records.

The conclusion of the consultation reads - Severe post-traumatic stress disorder, strong tendency to violence and paranoid personality disorder, it is not suitable to accept stress stimuli.

Lu Zongsheng closed the document at once.

Thinking of Pei Chen's performance just now, he pinched the center of his brows with some headaches, and his heart was heavy.

He was thinking, it would be fine if it was just out of pure sympathy, but if Pei Chen really fell in love with Miss Yun's family...

I'm afraid this disease will be difficult to cure.





at night.

After the dusk faded, the heavy night gradually descended on the sky.

The oriole flew in the night, flew over this heavy and solemn city, and went south along the autumn wind.

After Xiao's army entered the city, the people were panic-stricken. Before nightfall, they all hid in their homes and turned off the lights.

In the streets and alleys of the city, except for the trams that are still relentlessly shuttling, there is no one else.

Inside the Yun Family Mansion.

After taking the medicine, Yun Si fell asleep early, and fell into a drowsy sleep, waking up and falling asleep.

After Chunhua helped her fall asleep, she silently left the door of the room.

Outside the room are guards with guns attached, all of them standing upright without looking sideways, like statues without emotion.

Scary tight.

Chunhua was afraid of them, and wanted to leave with a basin in her hand.

The guards at the gate of Bieyuan directly stopped her.

"Where are you going? What are you going to do?"

Even the voice was so cold, like hailstones, hitting people's hearts heavily one by one.

Chunhua shook her hand, and some of the water in the basin spilled out.

She lowered her head, stuttered, weakly: "Go... go to the small kitchen to get some candied fruit... little... miss wants to eat..."

The guards guarding the door glanced at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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