Chapter 1641 Canary (14)

One of them nodded and let go.

"Go back quickly!"

The voice was extremely cold and severe.

Chunhua was so frightened that she was shocked again.

After getting the pass, she carried the water basin and walked quickly.

With his head down, his peripheral vision kept sweeping towards the corridor and the garden courtyard.

They are all military guards, guarded tightly, and there seem to be stalkers on the eaves.

In the entire huge mansion, there was not a single maid, only her, who was walking outside in a particularly abrupt manner.

Chunhua's scalp was a little numb, and she always felt that those guns were aimed at her.

As long as you move around, you will be collapsed immediately, and you don't know how to die.

She withdrew her peripheral vision and walked quickly to the small kitchen.

The mansion was brightly lit, but she walked there quickly.

Xu Shi had just finished working in the small kitchen, and there were still many people.

But as soon as the door was opened, there were all kinds of soldiers inside.

All of them had cloth tied around their waists, dressed as chefs, with big arms and round waists, like giants.

A giant that can scare people to death.

"..." Chunhua almost cried from fright.

The chef has also changed, and the entire mansion has been replaced by Xiaojun's people.

Inside and out, all of them.

She pushed open the door, and all the military cooks looked at her in unison.

His face was expressionless, as if wearing a mask, extremely indifferent.

Under the deathly silent eyes of the crowd, Chunhua slowly lowered the water basin with her hands trembling slightly.

She nana: "I... I'll get some candied fruit... Please... Excuse me... Where can I find it?"

In fact, she knew where it was, so she came to get a lot of it. She used to get it directly.

but now……

Today is different.

People under the eaves, she dare not.

Especially in front of a group of soldiers with guns.

No one present spoke.

Only one of the tall men walked to the side cabinet and took out a large sealed jar.

He took out a small bag from there and handed it to her.

"...Thank you..." Xiaochunhua took it tremblingly.

When she left, she silently closed the small kitchen door.

He took a deep breath, feeling a strong sense of survival after a catastrophe.

Take the candied fruit and go back quickly.





In the middle of the night, as Lu Zongsheng said, Yun Si really had a high fever.

His body was burning hot, but he never cried out.

He fell asleep quietly and deeply, sweating all over his body.

The crystal clear sweat silently slipped from her forehead and fell into her hair, and she seemed to sleep uneasy because of it.

The delicate lips were slightly dry, and the eyes moved slightly.

A voice as weak as a kitten whimpered from his throat.

Very light, very light, almost inaudible.

Accompanied by the rich and delicate fragrance of flowers gradually pervading, mixed with the faint medicinal fragrance in the room, they complement each other, almost drunk to the bottom of people's hearts.

There is also a faint feeling of heat in the heart.

Her cheeks were flushed and hot.

Because of the discomfort, she seemed to wake up for a while, and she had no strength.

The strong sense of fatigue and drowsiness made her gradually fall asleep again.

Didn't even have the energy to cry out.

As Lu Zongsheng said, if no one is watching, the weak little girl... I am afraid that she will really burn to death on the sick bed, no one will know.

So, be extra careful tonight.

Chunhua was watching outside, and when the time came, she wanted to come in and take a look.

But she didn't want to, the military guard at the door stopped her again.

The expressionless face is like a dead person.

"...I...I want to go in and see Miss..."

(End of this chapter)

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