Chapter 1651 Canary (24)

Leaning on the book chair, he let out a half-hearted snort, his emotions and anger were unpredictable.

"What else? Her."

Lu Zongsheng recalled it for two seconds, "Miss Yun also said... Oh, yes, she also asked you."

"She asked if you were busy recently, because it was related to you. I didn't say anything, so she didn't ask any more."

He is indeed a person with a clear mind and a good grasp of speed.

At least, not offensive.

As he spoke, he looked up at the man on the seat.

At some point, the man took out another cigar.

The lighter was lit, and the cigarette was held between his knuckles, smoking casually.

Smoke, gradually lingering.

Blocking his eyes, he didn't say anything, his deep thoughts couldn't be figured out at all.

Lu Zongsheng paused, "Or, next time Miss Yun asks, I should tell her the truth?"

This is temptation.

To test his thoughts about the beauty of the Yun family—whether he cares or not.

The calm-minded Chief Chief, with his eyelids downcast, still didn't say anything.

Carefully caressing the lit cigar, lightly lit a little bit, his eyes darkened.

Like a dangerous dark abyss, nothing can be seen clearly.

I can't see through anything.






at night.

A sudden autumn rain began to fall in the cold and bleak wind.

The rain was falling heavily, and it kept beating the blue tiles on the eaves, making a crackling sound.

The rain, which was as big as soybeans, fell on the ground, and the moist mist gradually diffused, lingering over the courtyard.

It was foggy, with a deep chill, which made people panic from the cold.

Chunhua came back from the outside holding an oil-paper umbrella.

Because of the heavy rain and the strong wind, her shoes were soaked and her skirt was half wet.

When she came back with the candied fruit, she stomped her feet in the cold, retracted her umbrella, and looked up.

"Miss, it's raining heavily outside."

She came in, closed the door, and couldn't help rubbing her hands.

In the warm room, the person who had already put on a fleece jacket and cotton skirt had just finished drinking the medicine.

Seeing her come in, looking so embarrassed again, she frowned slightly and said, "Go and change your clothes, be careful not to catch a cold."

"Miss who is not in the way, I am in good health, I am not afraid of—"

When Chunhua walked in, she realized that there were still people in the room.

A handsome and cold man in military uniform.

It seems that he has just arrived, and the cloak is still covered with rain and dew, and he is cold.

Taking off the white gloves, he glanced at her lightly, without anger and prestige, with an indescribable sense of oppression.

Chunhua's smile froze, her voice stopped abruptly, she stood there, her legs trembling physiologically, and she was a little helpless.


The beautiful man sitting on the soft bed looked at her with moist and warm eyes, and quietly made a silent gesture.

Raising his hand slightly, motioned for her to retreat quietly.

The spring flowers are relieved.

He backed out silently and closed the door.

Soon, there were only two people left inside the door.

The atmosphere froze inexplicably.

The person sitting on the soft bed quietly looked at the man in the military uniform with charming and beautiful eyes.

She still held Tang Yu in her hand, which was specially used to warm her hands.

The man unbuttoned the cloak and put it aside.

Sitting down beside her calmly, he raised his pitch-black phoenix eyes to look at her.

The color of his eyes is unknown.


He covered her hand, grabbed it, and squeezed it.

Delicate and soft, in his hands, with warmth.

Yun Si stared at him quietly.

"Aren't you busy?"

she asked softly.

(End of this chapter)

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