Chapter 1652 Canary (25)

"Aren't you busy?"

she asked softly.

Looking at him with clear water eyes, it seems that he doesn't understand why he still has time to come over.

Still braving such a heavy rain.

His hand was cold, she flinched slightly, wanting to take it back.

But his seemingly useless hands couldn't break free.

Grabbing her, his behavior was extraordinarily rough.

It should not be done by a gentleman at all.

The sickly beauty couldn't help lowering her eyes.

He coughed twice, pursed his lips, and looked up at him.

Eye to eye with him.

The moody Chief Chief approached her calmly.

Until he sat very close to her, he slowly raised her slender chin, his eyes dim.

It was obviously a useless movement, but in his seemingly casual attitude, there was a bit of inexplicable meaning added.

With a strong aggressive aggressiveness, it reveals a dangerous signal.

It's like being stared at by something.

"..." The white, slender and beautiful person moved his eyes.

Facing his unclear gaze, he was not afraid.

Without blinking, the wet eyes just looked at him quietly.

Not afraid at all.

Not even a trace of fear.

The fair and soft face was exposed to the light, as if it was just a layer of light and clear makeup on her.

The hibiscus comes out of the clear water, and the eyes are full of beauty, pure and gorgeous.

Even the tip of the hair has a seductive arc, like that cunning fox tail, hooking him.

Hook him step by step closer, closer, and closer.

Until he commits a crime, commits a heinous crime against her.

The man's gaze was still calm, but his movements were extraordinarily reckless and vicious.

Pick very lightly.

He kept rubbing her delicate cheeks until her delicate skin was flushed with a fragile blush.

It was like a rose that was forced to bloom, and was forced to show its weak and boneless petals tremblingly.

The fragrance of flowers gradually overflows.

The fragrance is compelling.

He said calmly: "You know what I mean by coming, Miss Yun."

His long fingers ran through her hair, gradually going down.

It landed on her back, as if an electric current passed through it, leaving a tingling sensation.

It fell gently, touching her waist all the way.

If there seems to be nothing, kneading, the movement is continuous.

The intention to break off her gorgeous rose was obvious.

"..." The beautiful plain white man looked at him quietly.

Her eyes are clear, soft and bright, she looks like a good girl who is easy to bully.

When she was taken advantage of by such a powerful bully in front of her, her long eyelashes trembled.

The bright red lips pursed slightly.

Neither agreed nor refused.

The hand that was about to be withdrawn was still tightly grasped, unable to move.

She was silent for a moment and lowered her eyelids.

I don't know where I'm looking.

She didn't speak, and Pei Chen didn't seem to be in a hurry.

Having been in the superior position for a long time, even before he revealed his desire, he had the bargaining chip in his hand and took care of everything.

Gently rubbing her waist, he took her into his arms.

She is weak and hasn't recovered well, so she doesn't have much strength yet.

With ease, I hugged her in my arms.

She trembled when she touched his overly warm body temperature.

The clear and beautiful eyes quietly looked at his chest, which was close at hand, and moved his fingers.

Wei Wei frowned slightly where the man could not see, she was very quiet.

(End of this chapter)

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