Chapter 1653 Canary (26)

All she could hear was the superior man in her ear, biting her, breathing heavily.

"If you are obedient, I will give you everything you want."

"If you are disobedient... just think about your father who is living abroad, and your family members who don't know how to live or die."

"Believe it or not... I have a hundred ways to make their lives worse than death?"

He is coercion, naked coercion.

The methods are cruel and cruel, without any human touch at all.

The force on her waist is getting heavier and heavier, as if trying to break her, with a strong sense of cruelty.

Extraordinarily ruthless and merciless, he is a sinister villain at all.

He can't see the light, so he can only exchange chips in this way.

The person in his arms lowered his eyelids and coughed twice.

No emotion.

Only when he was a little too hard, she patted him lightly, her voice was very soft.

As if mixed with honey.

"Take it easy, it hurts me..."

Really squeamish.

The man who breathed heavily towards her paused for a moment.

The tension in the waist was relieved.

Kisses also fell like raindrops along with her soft complaints.

On her ears, on her cheeks, everywhere.

The desire for her was terribly strong.

Even if only the tip of the iceberg is exposed, it is extraordinarily amazing.

It is unbearable to be afraid.

She lowered her eyes quietly, and did not hide from his hot and thick kiss.

Like a beautiful and exquisite porcelain doll, it is lively and lively, but it is also extraordinarily gentle and good-natured.

People can't help but want to bully her.

The fragrance of flowers on her body is strong, it is the most powerful medicine for the man who has missed her for a long time at this moment.

He covered her lips, breathing heavily.

Just as she was about to make a move, she suddenly turned her head and avoided it slightly.

Pursing her bright red lips, she said softly, "My father and family members...where are they now?"

She has been recuperating in this yard, and she still doesn't know anything.

The man paused and raised his hand.

Pull her face back and continue to cover it.

"As long as you obey, they are safe."

His kisses were almost astonishingly hot.

Fierce and ferocious, like an unreasonable beast, it doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade at all.

He can only plunder, and he can only wish to swallow her.

The beautiful and delicate person frowned.

It seems that he wants to resist, but there is always a faint smell of blood coming from him.

He was hurt, which made her a little uncomfortable.

Therefore, when she put her hands on his shoulders silently, she didn't use any force.

After staying for a long time, in the end, she still gently encircled him.

Like a small animal, it slowly responded.

In the gentle wind and drizzle, the storm is soothed.

Extremely entangled.






Outside the room, it was still raining heavily.

Chunhua waited outside for a long time.

With the wind blowing, she was so cold that she stomped her feet and rubbed her arms.

He ran back and changed his clothes and came back, but the door of the room was still closed, and they hadn't finished talking yet.

The innocent Chunhua didn't understand what the lady of her family had to talk about with the chief, she only vaguely knew that the chief had taken a fancy to her lady.

It is possible to do something wrong to her.

But the room is very quiet.

No cries for help at all.

Chunhua leaned her ears to listen, but under the interference of the sound of rain, she couldn't hear anything.

The inside seems to be isolated from the outside world.

Chunhua stood outside, muttering: " won't take advantage of Miss..."

She is always good at putting people on the bright side.

(End of this chapter)

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