Chapter 1661 Canary (34)

He took out his lighter and lit the portrait on fire.

The burning portrait was discarded on the ground, and the small flames gradually devoured it.

The beauty is picturesque, but the painting is not half as good as the beauty.

The obscene and dirty thoughts and jokes of the beauties also dissipated in the burning of the flames.

No one dared to mention it again.

Commander Wang smiled and smoothed things over.

"Mr. Pei, we didn't intend to insult Miss Yun's family. Miss Yun's beauty is known all over the world. It's normal for some people who don't know how to live or die to think about it..."

"Let's turn this matter over. There will be no more dirty portraits, and we won't mention them again. What do you think?"

The steps have already been given, and I don't want this meeting to collapse because of a woman.

After all, after spending so much time and effort, several heads of state were finally willing to sit down and talk, but because of a woman, an ordinary pornographic joke... the talk collapsed?
This is not what he wants.

Commander-in-Chief Wang still wanted to smooth things over, but Mr. Pei seemed to be in no mood to talk anymore.

Standing up, the military uniform is straight and stiff.

Pulling the corner of his lips, he sneered.

With phoenix eyes without emotion, he glanced lightly at the man who had been shot several times while lying in a pool of blood, and his tone was cold, as if ironic.

"I killed their commander...they wish they could kill me..."

How is it possible... to sit down and talk?
From the moment he overturned the table and pulled out his gun, he had no intention of talking further.

No matter how much time is spent, it is futile.

"That's all for today, gentlemen."

"I have come from thousands of miles away, so there is nothing to entertain. If there is a chance in the future, Pei will make an apology and apologize."

"Xiao Song, see off the guests!"

"Yes! Chief!"





The multi-party meeting collapsed, completely collapsed.

The original purpose was to ease the conflicts between the parties, divide the land, and temporarily truce.

As a result, now, fuel has been added to the flames, and the contradictions have become more intense.

The situation is completely out of control.

When Wang Xiaosheng got in the car on the way back, he couldn't hold back.

He kicked the corner of the car seat directly, venting his frustration, "Damn——"

What are these things? !

His adjutant retracted his gun.

"Commander, then Pei Chen is too ignorant of good and bad, if he says turn his back on him, he will turn his back on it."

Like a madman, he has no scruples about killing people.

Well, it's completely broken.

Obviously, the atmosphere at the beginning was quite harmonious, and a truce was also negotiated.

In the end, no one expected that he would flip the table because of a mere dirty joke.

If you say no to things that are good for him, you don't want them, and if you say you can turn your back on them, you can turn your backs on them.

Now that the Ji army has no commander in chief, he may not know how to get back in revenge.

This battle will be fought again, and it will be endless.

If the fight continues like this, no one will be pleased, and everyone will suffer.

I don't know what that lunatic was thinking.

Wang Xiaosheng sneered and leaned back on the seat.

"Then Li Jing is really an idiot. He knows that Pei Chen is not a human when he is crazy, but he still stimulates him with women like this."

If he doesn't die, who dies?

damn it.

The adjutant was stunned for a moment, and asked, "Are you stimulated because of a woman?"

Wang Xiaosheng closed his eyes, "What? You don't know about this?"

"...Please also give instructions from the commander."

Wang Xiaosheng snorted coldly and opened his eyes, "You just need to know that Pei Chen's mother is a bitch who can do everything he can."

"Relying on her beauty, she went out to hook up with men all day long, and even went to the brothel to sell herself."

(End of this chapter)

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