Chapter 1662 Canary (35)

"When Pei Chen's father found out, he ran to the brothel and beat that bitch to death."

"It is said that Pei Chen saw with his own eyes at that time that his mother was not wearing any clothes and was scolded by thousands of people."

"Then that lunatic can no longer stand being stimulated by women?" the adjutant couldn't help asking.

The anger on Wang Xiaosheng's face gradually subsided, and he said, "Who knows?"

"His misogyny is well-known. Isn't his army also shooting women at will?"

If he doesn't obey, he will be killed. In terms of tactics, he is much more ruthless than Li Jing, who likes to play with women.

The adjutant looked surprised.


"However," Wang Xiaosheng seemed to feel something was wrong, "Since that lunatic hates women, how could he turn his face on a dirty joke?"

In the middle...

It seems to be hiding something.

He stroked his chin, seemingly thoughtful.





Lu Zongsheng was urgently called to Yunfu again.

Pei Chen fell ill, and this time, he took a strong dose of sedative to prepare for any eventuality.

Pei Chen's symptoms erupted without warning, like a wild beast, unable to control his behavior at all.

Several close adjutants forcibly held him down and asked Lu Zongsheng to inject him with a tranquilizer.

But after a long injection, for some reason, the powerful sedative failed.

Doesn't work at all.

Pei Chen was stimulated by the needle, and his emotions became even more violent.

His eyes were red, bloodshot with terror.

The strong muscles were as hard as stones, bursting out.

He directly overturned the adjutants who were suppressing him, and the needle fell to the ground.

Anxiety, madness, and uncontrollable malice.

He grabbed Lu Zongsheng's neck and used all his strength.

As if he could no longer suppress the evil thoughts in his heart, sweat was dripping from his forehead, and his face was distorted.

The great stimulation made him lose all reason at the moment.

"Go and get me... find some... women over here."

He needs to vent.

Only by venting will the devil return to the cage.

Restored to a calm and elegant appearance, regained sanity.

"Head... Chief..."

Lu Zongsheng's face turned blue from being pinched.

Pei Chen, who is ill, is like a beast that has lost its humanity. It will go crazy and beat women to death.

Punch after punch, regardless of the woman's begging for mercy and crying, until her skull was smashed and her brains burst.

He was very much like his father, who once killed his mother with his own hands.

in front of his eyes.

One punch, another punch.

Lu Zongsheng struggled hard to break free from his restraint.

Looking at the adjutant at the side, he ordered: "Quick... hurry... find..."

Before he finished speaking, Pei Chen lifted him up with one hand, and then fell down heavily.

Like throwing a rag, he lashed out, trying to put him to death.

Lu Zongsheng fell heavily to the ground, coughing uncontrollably.

The trachea felt as if it had been severed by him, it was already congested and he couldn't breathe.

Lu Zongsheng held his trachea and was still coughing.

Without the effect of the sedative, no one can hold him down now.

The lieutenants were at a loss.

One of them had already run out, urgently looking for some women.

Seeing the red eyes, the irrational man took out a dagger from nowhere, grabbed it firmly, and pushed the door out.

Lu Zongsheng secretly said that it was not good, he shouted: "Hold him quickly, don't let him go out!"



He staggered and chased after him.

(End of this chapter)

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