Chapter 1687 Canary (60)

After one night, Chunhua found that her young lady seemed to be in a much better mood.

On weekdays, I always sit there quietly and read a book. Today, I am probably in a good mood, and I started to pack my things.

When Chunhua came in with a water basin, she was shocked to see her frail young lady folding clothes.

Hastily put down the basin and ran over.

"Miss, it's all right, why did you start to pack it up?"

"You are weak and haven't recovered yet. Let me do these later?"

As she spoke, she wanted to help her up.

The man in plain clothes shook his head, looked at her, and raised his lips.

"It's okay, I'll pack mine, and you should go and pack yours too."

Her voice was soft and gentle.

Chunhua was taken aback, "What?"

Yun Si raised her chin, "Pei Chen is leaving, go back to Yecheng."


Isn't that the base camp where the direct Xiao army is stationed?

Chunhua was a little confused, "We, shall we go too?"

so suddenly?

Reminiscent of seeing the military guards carrying boxes when she came back all the way just now, she seemed to have a little reaction.

The army doesn't seem to be planning to go any further.

Instead, defend the captured cities and rest for the time being.

"Miss, let's—"

"Let's go too."

She lowered her head and folded her clothes.

"Pei Chen has promised to release all the family members, and they will be able to come back after the troops stationed there leave."

"..." Chunhua was still a little confused, "Then you...are you going to follow him all the time?"

Yun Si paused for a moment.

With a light tap of his fingertips, his rippling eyes looked at her and nodded.

"We are getting married and plan to settle down in Yecheng."

"Ye City is far away from here, and there may not be any chance to come back in the future, so...if you don't want to, you can stay here."

"Miss, what are you talking about?"

Chunhua was a little anxious, "I will follow you wherever you go, and I will go too!"

"...Chunhua, Yecheng is no better than here, maybe you won't come back after you leave, and you grew up here, are you sure..."


"Miss, I will follow you!"

She doesn't want to be left here alone.

"..." Yun Si nodded, indicating that she understood.

"Then you should pack up too. The army will leave in the evening, and will probably arrive in Yecheng the morning after tomorrow."

She stays at home, but she obviously knows more news than she does.

Chunhua immediately stood up.

"Miss, wait for me, I'll be there soon!"

After saying that, she ran out.

Smoky, like a little mouse.

Yun Si was behind, looking at her.

Smiling and shaking his head, he lowered his head and continued to fold his clothes.






Rows of military vehicles pass through the trail in a low-key way, all the way north.

Yecheng is in the north of Kyoto, the weather is even colder, and the climate is relatively harsher than that of Kyoto.

The army was divided into two teams, the main force of one team stayed in Kyoto, and the other left secretly.

Military vehicles made of iron sheet and steel rolled over the grass one by one.

The lights illuminated the road ahead, the vegetation became sparser, and the temperature became colder and colder.

Inside the car, under the dim sight, there was a white and slender hand that was placed on the window.

The warm temperature seemed to fog up the windows.

The window opened, but the next second, it closed again.

The soft and white hand was also grabbed back and put back into the warm cloak.

(End of this chapter)

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