Chapter 1688 Canary (61)

Outside the car window, crystal white snowflakes fell at some unknown time.

Like weightless goose feathers, they fluttered down from the sky and landed on the neatly arranged military vehicles, covering the layer of icy color.


Inside the car window, the sick and weak man leaning on the arms of the man in military uniform, wearing a thick fleece jacket and a snow fox cloak, looked outside quietly.

Seeing that it was snowing outside, she seemed a little happy.

Looking up, she looked at the man holding her.

"Look outside, it's snowing."

"it's beautiful."

Her husband didn't speak, and his attention didn't seem to be on the snow falling outside.

He just hugged her tightly and rubbed her hands together to keep her warm.

"Is it cold?"

He bent down to touch her cheek.

Warm and soft, acceptable, but not as warm as in the room.

He frowned.

"I'm not cold." She shook her head lightly, her red lips soft.

"Don't be too nervous, I'm really not cold."

Her hands were warm, so warm that she was sweating a little.

I wanted to open the window to let the air in, but he closed it again, saying that there was a cold wind.

The man didn't speak, just lowered his head and rubbed her cheek.

It was as if he wanted to warm her with his own body temperature.

Yun Si raised her hand and gently touched his face.

His eyes fell on the falling snow outside, and he coughed twice.

He hugged her tighter, warming her with his body.

"When it's Yecheng, I'll take you to see Mei, okay?"

"..." Yun Si looked up at him, "Do you have time?"

He hummed and kissed her forehead.

Amid the howling cold wind, the voice was so low that only those next to him could hear it.

"This winter is too cold to fight a war."

He stroked her long hair and said.

And... he doesn't feel like fighting anymore.

Yun Si hugged his waist, as if thinking of something, asked him: "I heard from your adjutant that you plan to sign the armistice agreement?"


"Are you going to stop forever?"

"It depends."

He pinched her soft ears with a soft tone.

"If the situation permits, there will be no fight."

"...What do you mean by circumstances permitting?"

He chuckled and looked at her quietly with his dark phoenix eyes.

"If the situation permits... If my wife doesn't like it, then I won't fight."

"I can't, it's wrong to make my wife suffer and suffer, isn't it?"

"..." It's the wife again.

She blushed, angry and arrogant, "I haven't married you yet, don't always call me wife."

He came over to kiss her again, "Then call her Si Si."


"Si Si?"




She directly covered his mouth.

"You are very clingy, Pei Chen."

There was a bit of a smile in her tone.

"Didn't you still dislike me for being ugly back then?"

She didn't forget that when they met for the first time, he said that she looked average, but nothing more than that.

At that time, if it wasn't because her body and soul were not well integrated and she had no strength, she really wanted to pounce on him and bite him.

Bite him hard.

Mr. Pei, who was hugging her, stopped for a moment.

The dark phoenix eyes fixedly stared at her, and took her hand off.

Her casual words seemed to remind him of something.

He touched her cheek lightly and lightly.

"Nine songs... who is it?"

Yun Si:!
"Who is he?"

He clamped her waist and pressed her hard every step of the way.

"you like him?"


The jar of vinegar that came late was overturned.

(End of this chapter)

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