Chapter 1690 Canary (63)


Chunhua signaled that he could go.

"Then, Miss Chunhua, see you tomorrow."

The boss rubbed his hands together and bowed.

Thank you so much for her.

Chunhua in military uniform greeted the military guards and went in with snacks.

Close the door of the Political Command Bureau.





Under the guidance of the adjutant, Wang Xiaosheng came to the reception room of the command bureau.

There was no one there, only tea was prepared, waiting for him to be seated.

He took off his military cap and scanned around, "Where's Pei Chen?"

"Commander, please stay calm, the chief will be here soon."

While speaking, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

Soon, the door opened.

The handsome man in the ascetic military uniform walked in, with a short gun pinned to his waist.

The military boots are gentle and powerful, and the eyebrows and eyes are handsome and mature.

Marriage seems to have restrained his sharpness a lot, wearing pure white gloves, his demeanor is noble and elegant, and his appearance is astonishing.

Like a fine wine that has been deposited for thousands of years, it is becoming more and more calm and calm.

Like a cunning old fox.

"Mr. Pei."

As soon as Wang Xiaosheng sat down, he stood up again and stretched out his hand.

"Obviously Mr. Pei made the invitation, why did you, the master, come later than me?"

The noble and elegant Mr. Pei reached out to shake hands with him, with a calm tone.

"I'm sorry for the delay."

That being said, he didn't look apologetic at all.

Just a simple courtesy.

Wang Xiaosheng laughed and sat down.

"I've always heard that Mr. Pei dotes on his wife, so he's late... Could it be because he wants to accompany his wife?"

The calm and indifferent Mr. Pei waved his hand to signal the others to back down.

When the bottom line is not involved, he is indifferent and does not get angry.

He sat down on the main seat and leaned against the back of the chair.

Pushing the previously drawn up agreement to him, he didn't answer his question, but went straight to the point.

"I will open the military transportation track for you alone. This is already the lowest price. How does Mr. Wang think about it?"

Wang Xiaosheng picked up the agreement, glanced at it, and remained calm.

"Mr. Pei, I heard...the price you offered to the Southern Hebei Army was 500 yuan per car. How come it is more than twice as high when it comes to me?"

"Mr. Pei, it's a little unkind of you to do this."

The handsome and elegant Mr. Pei rested his elbows on the chair, crossed his hands, and his movements were loose and leisurely.

Lightly tap your fingertips, look at him lightly, and practice Tai Chi.

"Commander Wang, you should know that the transportation route to Sichuan and Sichuan is not easy."

"My people worked hard to deliver the goods, and they took risks. The difficulty factor was several times higher. This amount of money can already be regarded as very generous."

"What's more, Commander Wang has recently won a battle and gained a lot. Spending this little money should be nothing to you, is it?"

His eyes are dark and his tone is light.

Xiaojun's spies are all over the place, and his news is obviously very well-informed.

It seemed that nothing could escape his grasp.

Wang Xiaosheng put down the agreement and laughed and talked freely.

"What is Mr. Pei talking about? The little I just seized is enough to feed them for a few days."

"Where is it like you, who can live comfortably just by collecting tolls, and have enough financial resources to repair the railway?"

"How about this, if the price is three points lower, let's treat it as a good friend, and we can keep in touch in the future, how about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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