Chapter 1691 Canary (64)

The elegant and handsome Mr. Pei let out a sneer.

Slowly, without giving an inch.

Still refuse.

"Commander, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that the people below are working hard, and they have to earn some hard money."

"If the price goes down again, I'm afraid it won't be justified."

Wang Xiaosheng tapped the desktop and smiled.

"Mr. Pei is so tough, if Mr. Pei nods, how can the people below have any reason to be disobedient?"

"How about this, you think about it again and drop two points."

"I didn't prepare anything when I came to visit this time. I just brought a small gift, which is regarded as a meeting gift for Mr. Pei. Please accept it with a smile."

"Oh?" Mr. Pei's tone was still idle, not happy or angry.

Wang Xiaosheng leaned back on the seat.

"I have always heard that your wife is weak. It just so happens that the people under my command have seized a batch of excellent wild supplements in the past few days. They are of high quality, and they are priceless in the market. If you make the best use of it, it should be given to your wife."

"Of course, in order to show my sincerity, Mr. Pei can also inspect the goods first, and think it's good... Let's talk about it later, how about it?"

He knows how to pick on Pei Chen's weakness.

Knowing that Pei Chen has been working hard to take care of his wife, he used this trick.

Hit the door directly.

The elegant and calm Mr. Pei has calm eyes.

He raised his eyes casually, looked at him, and didn't speak.

Pointing his fingers indifferently, his eyes were dark and unpredictable.

There was an extreme silence in the living room.

It was so quiet that you could hear a needle drop.

Wang Xiaosheng smiled slightly, and slowly pushed back the failed agreement.

Meaning, he can think about it again.

"Song Zhao."

The dignified and elegant Mr. Pei knocked on the table and called the adjutant standing outside the door.

The adjutant heard the sound and immediately opened the door and entered.

"Chief." He saluted.

"Call Medical Officer Lu to come and follow the commander to inspect the goods."

"Yes! Chief."

The adjutant immediately went to do it.

Wang Xiaosheng smiled and stood up.

"Happy cooperation, Mr. Pei."

He stretched out his hand, implying that he was at ease.

The dignified and elegant Mr. Pei looked indifferent, and he clicked on the agreement, but he didn't let go too much at all.

"One point, that's the most."

He is indifferent, not open to comment.

Obviously the biggest concessions have been made.

Wang Xiaosheng's outstretched hand was still in mid-air.

He only got one point of concession, and there was no surprise on his face.

He just smiled and said, "In that case, then, happy cooperation."

He appears to have achieved his negotiating goals.

A little cheaper is already good.

Mr. Pei stood up unhurriedly and shook hands with him.

"Pleasant to work with."





After leaving the Political Command Bureau, Wang Xiaosheng boarded a military vehicle.

The military vehicle stopped at the gate and did not leave immediately.

He sat down, leaned back on the car seat, and put on his military cap.

In the car, his wife was sitting, holding a shawl, waiting for him.

After he sat down, she shook her head slightly when he looked over.

Indicates no success.

"Mrs. Pei declined my invitation, saying she was unwell, so she won't come out."

Wang Xiaosheng crossed his arms and pondered, "Did you see her?"

"Yes, she didn't come out at all. The people at the door didn't let me in either. It was a little girl who came out and refused me."

Pei Chen is suspicious by nature, everyone is on guard, especially everyone who tries to get along with his wife.

(End of this chapter)

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