Chapter 1704 Rose Manor (10)

wake up.

Woke up without warning.

It was the alarm clock that had been set by the bed, and it rang on time at 45:[-].

"Tinkling lingling-jingling lingling-jingling lingling--"

Like a ruthless and cruel executioner, smashing dreams, pulling people back to reality, and regaining consciousness.

The person lying on the bed opened his eyes.

As if in a daze, he didn't move.

His dark eyes stared straight ahead.

Seems to be in a trance.

The alarm clock rang for 1 minute and then stopped.

In the huge room, without the alarm clock, it soon became dead silent.

It was so quiet that it made people panic even more than when he was in a deep sleep.

It's confusing.

On the bed, the man who was always punctual and calm on weekdays didn't get up today for some reason.

Lying quietly on the bed, slowly raised the hand on the side.

Probably because he was in a daze, he calmly stared ahead, moving very slowly.

Slowly like a ninety-year-old man, bit by bit, he touched his ears.

When touching it, it seemed that the tip of the ear could still feel the residual heat.

Temperature is still reluctant to leave there, unwilling to leave.

He was very quiet, slowly lowering his eyelashes.

Thoughts are light, emotions are completely unclear.





Not long after, Uncle Wang came in.

Before he had time to say anything, he found his husband, barefoot, standing quietly in front of the big balcony.

The curtains were pulled open, and the rich fragrance of flowers wafted in.

And the gentleman who usually likes light and not strong, now stands there with a cane as if he has not smelled the strong fragrance.

Quietly looking at the large expanse of beautiful and fiery red flowers outside, without saying a word, I don't know what I'm looking at.

Uncle Wang hesitated for a moment and walked over.

"Sir, breakfast is ready, would you like some?"

A noble and elegant man, with a gentle and white face reflecting the warm sunshine outside, the profile of his profile is very soft.

He didn't look at Uncle Wang, his long eyelash feathers moved, his eyes were clear and shallow, and kept falling on the sea of ​​roses outside.

Like a benevolent and noble god, even his words are soft, very light, almost non-existent.

He asked softly, "Have they done it?"

A vague sentence, nothing named clearly.

Uncle Wang was also taken aback for a moment, and only then did he react when he saw his gaze.

He bowed slightly. "Yes, sir, I had the gardener start transplanting those roses this morning."

"But... because of the large number of flowers, and the fact that these flowers are relatively delicate, it is not easy to make big moves, so it may take some time to remove them all."

"By the way, speaking of it, before Mr. Xiao left this morning, he said that these flowers were beautiful and he liked them very much. He also said that if possible, he would pay a high price for them—"

"Make them stop."

The gentle and refined man interrupted him.

The tone was very calm, and the indifferent eyes kept falling on the gorgeous sea of ​​flowers outside, and he didn't know what he was looking at.

"..." Uncle Wang was stunned again, "You mean...don't move these flowers?"

The man quietly stared outside and hummed.

The extremely dark eyes, the emotion is very light, so light that you can't see clearly at all.

It is impossible to grasp his mind at all.

Uncle Wang bent down slightly and didn't ask any more questions.

He answered yes, and went out quickly.

It seems that they want to urgently stop those who are destroying Huahai.

(End of this chapter)

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