Chapter 1705 Rose Manor (11)

The gardeners breathed a sigh of relief when they were called to an emergency stop.

They all stopped their frantic movements.

From morning to now, although they have started working for several hours, the progress has remained in place, not moving.

The large sea of ​​roses showed no signs of being eroded.

It's not that they are lazy, but for some reason, today is a bit unlucky.

Either the shovel was broken, or a pit came out of nowhere and I fell down.

After a while, I only removed a few peripheral roses, but my body was covered with mud, dirty and out of shape.

One of the gardeners asked: "Then what should I do with the removed plants? Should I put them down again or..."

"These are packed and sent to Mr. Xiao." Uncle Wang said.

Take it as an apology for not being able to sell roses.

he thinks.

Although... I don't know why Mr. Da suddenly changed his mind.





After breakfast, Mr. Qiao, who was supposed to deal with business in Japan, did not go as usual today for the first time.

Instead, leaning on crutches, slowly, somewhat limping, came out of the villa.

Uncle Wang was afraid that he would fall, so he followed him fearfully.

Two hands subconsciously stretched out in the air, ready to step forward to support him at any time.

"Sir, where are you going? Please ask me to prepare the car immediately—"

Before he finished speaking, he saw Mr. Qiao, a noble and elegant man from his family, walking slowly towards the sea of ​​flowers after he got down the stairs.

Step by step, the pace was very slow, and the rattan crutches supported him, and his beautiful and slender finger bones were a little bit hard.

Uncle Wang's voice stopped abruptly.

As if realizing something, he looked at his husband's thin and clean back, and didn't make another sound.

Silently, he folded his hands and quietly stepped aside.

Did not choose to bother again.

Mr. Qiao, dressed in plain white home clothes and leaning on a cane, quickly came to the edge of the sea of ​​flowers.

He stood there quietly, not speaking, and not knowing what he was looking at.

At this time, the sun is already a little big, and it also emits its due heat.

But because it is still spring, and still under the cool breeze, the temperature is suitable, comfortable and warm.

The rich fragrance of flowers, set off by the warm colors all over the floor, is even more shocking.

Like a young girl's white and crystal-clear hand, gently caressing his cheek.

Soft and nice, but nothing is left behind.

It just makes people palpitate badly.

The manor was very quiet, so quiet that only the crisp birdsong could be heard in the distance.

No one is talking, and no one is disturbing this fairyland on earth.

But for some reason, there seemed to be someone laughing in my ear.

Soft and melodious, she smiled softly, teasing him on purpose.

Cunning, yet wilting.

Like a fiery red fox with evil intentions, it flicked its big tail and seduced him a bit.

It makes people's mouth itchy and hot.

The gentle and calm man stood there steadfastly, looking at the endless sea of ​​roses all over the ground.

Not a word was said.

Under the sun, his complexion was very white, as warm and jade-like, clear and beautiful.

Eyes that are extremely dark, the mood is very light and peaceful.

Like the endless calm sea in the dark night, it is pitch black but bottomless.

I can't see anything clearly, I can only see the shallow light.

Like the sacred lotus on the white snow, it is out of reach, and there is a sense of alienation and coldness isolated from the world.

(End of this chapter)

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