Chapter 1721 Rose Manor (27)

Very silent.

The servants did not dare to disturb him, and left after bowing.

They didn't speak, and they didn't dare to make noise.

Under such excessive quietness, it made this fairyland look like a dream, with no one else around.

Only him, and...her.

The man's eyes are light and his face is calm.

The eyelashes were slightly lowered, and the shallow eyelashes trembled slightly.

Like a butterfly about to fly, a layer of soft shadows fell.

The breath is gentle and calm, like a calm and vast sea under the warm sun, without waves or ups and downs.

Under such excessive silence, suddenly, rustling sounds came from nowhere.

It seemed to be coming from the dense flower thorns, the sound was not loud, but it was especially abrupt in this extremely quiet morning day.

The man raised his eyes slightly, and his gaze fell on it calmly.

Eyes narrowed slightly.

There is indeed something moving in the rustling flower thorns.

The roses that stood upright swayed, as if they were colliding, as if they were about to be knocked down.

The morning dew stained on the delicate petals also slipped from the flowers under such a big movement.

It dripped silently into the soil, and soon disappeared.

As the movement got closer and closer, the sound became louder and louder.

Finally, the few flowers in front of the man began to shake.

I don't know what it is, came in front of him.

The vivid movement was also noticed by the old man Liu who was not far away.

As soon as old man Liu stopped working, he seemed to think of something suddenly, and secretly said something bad.

In a hurry, he put down the work in his hand and ran over.

Because of the hurry, the limping pace looked a little funny.

"First... Mister—"

Before he finished speaking, the instigator who was playing tricks among the flower thorns appeared.

With a chubby head full of broken grass, he looked up at the cold and indifferent man.

At the same time, he also met his pair of dark and clear eyes.

He obviously didn't move or say anything, but for some reason, those eyes seemed to have a deterrent effect on the naughty big cat.

The big cat shrank its neck visibly, and hid behind the flowers.

The cry also weakened.


Old man Liu picked up the big cat in a hurry and held it down.

I'm afraid it won't be controlled well and it will hurt Mr.

"First... sir... this is a British short-haired blue cat. It is the child of the child left by the old lady's cat. It just turned five years old this year. It was taken away before, but for some reason, it always came back. ..."


The cat flicked its tail, was held down, and didn't struggle.

Although a little scared, those round cat pupils still stared at Qiao Fuxing, which was extraordinarily spiritual.

Old man Liu immediately covered its mouth, "Sir, I'll send it away now—"

Before the words were finished, the cat seemed to explode.

The seemingly fat and clumsy body suddenly looked like a slippery fish, taking advantage of old man Liu's unguardedness, he ran away from his arms in a flash.

Jumping into the flower thorns again, the flexible body rolled.

Now, the whole body is covered with dirty and broken grass, and it looks even more dusty.

Old man Liu's expression changed, "Xiao Yuganer——"

He was about to make a move, but saw that the big cat didn't run away either.

As if he understood human nature, he stepped forward wheezingly, wrapping his tail around Qiao Fuxing's crutch.

Pulled, as if to take him somewhere.

(End of this chapter)

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