Chapter 1722 Rose Manor (28)


It looked up at him. Although it couldn't speak human words, it felt inexplicably cautious.


Its tail tugged at his cane again.

Old man Liu was stunned, even a little dazed.

Looking at the gentleman who has not spoken from the beginning to the end, the gentleman lowered his eyes and his eyes were dark.

Wen Baiqingjun's side face is still very emotional, no thoughts can be seen.

The big spiritual cat kept teasing him, as if he wanted him to go with it.

The big round head is facing the direction of the depth of the sea of ​​flowers, meowing, as if to say something.

Old man Liu stretched out his hand, "Sir, why don't I just put it—"

"No need."

Even the tone of the gentle and noble gentleman is gentle and impartial.

She raised her eyes and glanced at him, her voice was calm and somewhat alienated.

"Go do your thing and don't worry about me."

Meaning, he can leave first.

"..." Old man Liu hesitated, "Sir, then this cat..."

"I won't tell Uncle Wang, you can rest assured."

He is always peaceful and rarely embarrasses others.

This is why the servants respect him from the bottom of their hearts.

Uncle Wang had no choice but to lower his hands and bow slightly, "Then...thank you sir."

While backing away, he still looked at the cat from time to time.

There is always some worry.

After old man Liu left, the extraordinarily humane big cat ran deep into the flower thorns.

There was another rustling sound from the flower thorns, very loud.

After a while, seeing that the man didn't follow, the big cat emerged from the dense roses.

He raised his forelegs and meowed at him from a distance, his voice was a little anxious.

As if to say, follow up.

The man standing outside the flower thorns was still standing there quietly without moving.

Leaning on crutches, the long and narrow phoenix eyes, as dark as the deep sea, looked at it calmly, and the long and slender finger bones hanging down seemed to be curled up.

Like, some dare not.


The big cat tilted its head slightly.

She still meowed at him, and even ran back, waiting for him.

"Meow meow meow~"

If it could talk, it would be able to express its eagerness.

The man seemed to understand its cry, and his slow pace finally moved.

Like a ninety-year-old man with limited mobility, he staggered after it with a cane.

When he stepped barefoot on the wet ground covered with the fragrance of roses, his breathing seemed to be short for a moment.

The calm and calm mask on his face also showed faint signs of breaking.

The big cat meowed happily at him, and then ran towards the depths of the flower thorns.

The fat and bulging body is as flexible as a fish in the water where it is full of thorns, unimpeded.

"Meow meow meow~"

Come on!

It ran for a while, then turned back to wait for the man with limited movement.

The man stumbled, and in the thicket full of thorns, his bare feet were quickly scratched.

The bright red blood dripped out silently.

Some pain.

But he didn't seem to feel any pain, he just walked step by step, faster and faster.

The hand on crutches trembled a little, and the movements became more and more rapid.

Almost walking while falling, her fair face was even scratched with a shallow wound by rose thorns.

Extremely embarrassed.

The cat took him away, seeing him like this, seemed a bit unbearable.

He stopped and looked up at him.

But the man became a little ruthless, with monstrous emotions rolling in his eyes.

"You know where she is, don't you?"

(End of this chapter)

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