Chapter 1723 Rose Manor (29)

"You know where she is, don't you?"

There are vibrato hidden in the hoarse voice.

"...Meow..." The big cat shrank its neck, seeming a little afraid of him.

Hesitating, drooping his ears, he ran a few meters away in a hurry.

Waiting for him a few meters away, stuck out his round head.

It looked like he was going to help him.

The man was limping, and his bare feet were covered with scratches.

Walking all the way, the blood beads hung on the rose, and for a moment, I didn't know whether the flower was more colorful or the bright red blood was more colorful.

Men keep walking, keep walking.

Holding on to the crutches, the slender and clean hands were also stained with broken grass leaves.

The cold eyes were faintly reddened.

It was so red that it was dyed a bit of charming and beautiful color.

This endless sea of ​​flowers is very big.

People walking in it, in this gorgeous ocean, seem extraordinarily small.

As if it could be swallowed at any time.

The big cat kept leading him away, but he didn't know how far he had gone.

Looking back, the magnificent palace-like villa has now become a small spot in the distance.

It's like a giant has turned into a weak ant, almost annihilated in this warm color, and can no longer be caught.

The big cat continued to run forward.

It seems that there has been no direction, but it has been leading him to the most hidden place in the sea of ​​flowers.

It is quiet everywhere, and the fragrance of flowers is stronger.

The morning sun is like a warm and invisible quilt, lightly covering the delicate roses, caring for their fresh branches and leaves.

It was silent.

The man kept walking, even though his feet were covered with injuries, he never stopped.

The sun shone on his body, and the beautiful golden light seemed to blend with his clear, warm and white skin.

Panting lowly, even though he looked a little embarrassed, he still did not lose the pleasing beauty.

Like a god strayed into the dust, his whole body is warm and cold.

After an unknown amount of time, the big cat leading the way stopped.

As soon as it stopped, the sound of running among the flower thorns suddenly disappeared, and it became quiet.

Like, I don't want to disturb the excessive quietness of this place.

That extremely humane big cat quietly protruded its chubby head from the flower thorns.

Facing him, she meowed very softly.

It seems to be saying, this is it.

After it called, it went back into the flowers.

Like a little mouse, it disappeared in a flash and was never seen again.

After it left, this place quickly regained its quietness and silence.

There are no human voices or birdsong, and it is far away from the hustle and bustle of the world.

In the depths of this vast sea of ​​flowers, like a hidden corner, there is nothing.

There was only a man who came unexpectedly, his legs were covered with scars, he was quiet, his eyes trembled, and the tails of his eyes were slightly red.

It seems that they saw the bright red not far away.




The person who should have appeared in a dream is now lying there alive.

Surrounded by flowers, like a lazy cat, it randomly pulled the branches and leaves beside it and covered its face.

Blocking the sunlight, the soft and white fingertips were slightly bent, motionless under the warm sun.

Like falling asleep.

The rose next to her is delicate and beautiful, but she is more prosperous than the rose.

The long, soft hair like algae spread out, with the familiar dark green at the end.

The glamorous appearance, the warm fragrance and white body, and the faint fragrance in the air...

Everything is the same as in the dream.

It's very similar, or it''s her at all.

The man stood there quietly, and he didn't know how long he looked at it.

Quietly, the crutches he held tightly were loosened, and he seemed to laugh too.

The long fingers hanging down were almost clenched into fists, with extreme strength.

"finally found you……"

(End of this chapter)

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