Chapter 1732 New Year’s Sweets (8)

Young Master Shenming gently held her hand, as if smiling.

"Si Si."


"I think, if I really have a fiancee... I won't mind, you're here."

"……"how is this possible?

She snorted.

How terrible a woman's jealousy is, she still knows a thing or two.

When he has a fiancée, he must wish to kill her.

"...No matter, you are mine, and you are not allowed to be engaged."

She leaned over, kissed him on the cheek, and sealed it.

Extraordinarily domineering.

"If you drive me away, I won't leave. I want you."


The gentle and good-tempered god watched her quietly, only smiling quietly.

I don't know what I'm laughing at.





Human world.

The gods descended to the human world, silently and without anyone noticing.

Compared with the deserted and quiet God Realm, the Human Realm is always so lively and noisy, with a lot of human touch.

It was evening, and the afterglow of the evening sun softly spread over the brightly colored cornices of the pavilion.

In the bustling streets of the ancient city, there are two houses, and shops are scattered everywhere.

Just like the randomly placed chessboard, it looks messy, but it is unexpectedly poetic and beautiful.

The noisy and bustling streets are crowded with people and are extremely prosperous.

The night is gradually falling, and the sky is dark blue and orange intertwined, just like that huge and long picture scroll, half of which is dim and half is bright, which is dazzlingly beautiful.

The light in the sky gradually dimmed, and the red lanterns hung high on the street also embellished the whole night.

The sound of crackling firecrackers, and the sound of immature children running and laughing.

Shops in the streets and alleys were open, some selling silk and satin, jewelry and spices, some selling new cloth and clothes, and incense paraphernalia.

All kinds of sounds of buying and selling, yelling, and bargaining are mixed together. In the teahouse, the waiter of the shop quickly shuttles back and forth with drinks and dishes.

There are hilarious sounds everywhere, the sound of festive firecrackers rings from one end to the other, people are beaming, and fireworks are set off in the sky.

The gorgeous fireworks lit up the dimmed night sky, and also illuminated the happy smiling faces of the people on the street.

The red lanterns on the street are not to be outdone, one after another, and the incense burns in the temples of the gods for a long time.

Floating lanterns on the river symbolize people's wishes and expectations for the new year.

By the river are young people and girls full of expectations, huddled next to each other, looking forward to the New Year together.

This is the new year, the new year of the human world.

The winter wind is cold, but the heart is warm.

Filled with excitement and joy, full of festive atmosphere.

It is amazing, marveling at the wonder of the Creator.

Shuttle on the bustling street, listening to the continuous sound of firecrackers.

The goblin who came to the human world for the first time and witnessed the warm and beautiful Spring Festival in the human world, her beautiful eyes were full of pure and clean novelty.

Looking around, the bright red lanterns reflected her delicate face. She raised her head and looked at it without blinking.

After watching for a while, I was about to leave.

In the next second, that warm and strong hand grabbed her.

He pulled her back into the generous and safe arms, and returned to his sight.

"Si Si, don't run around."

He whispered softly in his ear, with a somewhat helpless smile.

He didn't look at it for a while, and she almost got separated from him. How could this make him feel at ease?

(End of this chapter)

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