Chapter 1733 New Year’s Sweets (9)

The beautiful woman in the velvet white and red cloak finally withdrew her unblinking gaze and landed on the man beside her.

The man was dressed in a snow-colored long jacket, with a clean appearance and picturesque features.

The arms around her waist looked soft, but they were actually strong.

He hugged her and protected her from the flow of people, never letting go.

Take her all the way, always holding her hand, treating her like a child.

She blinked and gave a cute oh.

Quietly took his hand and followed him.

"But, that lantern is so beautiful..."

She stood next to him and pointed to the red lantern hanging on the eaves.

The crowd was noisy, and the sound of fireworks kept blooming in the distance. Her voice was very small and soft, and it was exceptionally clear in his ears.

It's like being coquettish.

Unconsciously act like a baby.

The god who always responds to requests glanced at the red lantern.

His gentle eyes fell on her again, he smiled lightly, and held her tightly.

"Got it, let's go buy it."

"Just say what you want, don't walk around alone, you know?"

He raised his hand, grabbed her snow velvet cloak, and whispered softly.

"Always wander around, what if I get lost and I can't find you?"

The glamorous goblin smiled casually, "Go back if you can't find it, and you can find it when you go back to Taolin."

The movement of the fingertips of the warm and snowy god stopped.

The deep eyes were silent, without speaking, just pulling her away from the crowd.

The fireworks in the sky were blooming lively, and people's laughter filled the surroundings. The snow-white and cold god touched her cheek with a gentle tone.

"Don't say such things, we won't get separated, you know?"

The glamorous goblin blinked at him.

Under the gorgeous fireworks, that beautiful face is extraordinarily gorgeous, red as fire.

The god stared at her, with emotions she couldn't understand in his deep eyes.

Tumbling slightly, he soon calmed down again.

Still gentle, never showing a strong sense of aggression.

The hand on her shoulder slipped down gently, hooked her fingertips, and held her.

Hold on tight.

"Let's go, didn't you say that the lantern is beautiful?"

The glamorous Keren suddenly grabbed him and shook his head.

"No, I don't want it."

She hugged him like attachment, under the bright fireworks.

"I only want you to do it yourself, not someone else's."

She is very ignorant in her emotions, but she can always make people feel weak without knowing it.

Too soft.

The gentle and white god was hugged by her.

She was sticky, raised her head, her peach blossom eyes were extremely bright.

I don't know whose heart was burned.

"Nine Songs..."


He stroked her back lightly.

She bent her eyes, her eyes were bright, "I love you."

The hand on her back stopped suddenly.

She has a beautiful appearance and is as magnificent as fire.

Standing on tiptoe, in his ear, every word.

"I love you."

The words are solemn, without any frivolity.

She said she loves him.

This is the first time, said the word love.

She probably just learned how to use it. When she said these three words, her cheeks were puffy and her eyes were extraordinarily bright.

Very delicate and charming, with an unexpected greenness.

It was as if her ignorant affection was just in its infancy, popping out slightly.

It is extraordinarily seductive and pure.

After her words fell, the gorgeous fireworks all over the sky were in full bloom.

It resounded through the entire silent night, and also illuminated the darkness that filled the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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