Chapter 1739 New Year’s Sweets (15)

he's always like this...

He has a good temper, without the arrogance of a fairy, gentle and elegant, full of poems and classics, and can handle everything in an orderly manner.

In fact, what Tao Sheng said was right, he was indeed a god who was destined to be an emperor.

Benevolent, generous, and sensible.

He has won righteousness and is calm in mind.

In the future, if he ascends to the Heavenly Palace and Treasure Hall, he will be a unique, respected and loved emperor through the ages.

Majestic, noble, and inviolable.

All the unreachable words are hard to describe the distance between him and her.

She didn't want to think about it, but she couldn't help thinking about it.

Especially, he treats her better and better...

Well, sometimes she felt like she couldn't go on like this.

If this continues, she will get used to it...

I'm used to it... I'll let her change it when the time comes, but how can I change it?
She reached out and grabbed him.

Those beautiful eyes that were full of moisture just stared straight at him, lips pursed.

"Nine Songs..."


The extremely gentle god stared at her deeply with deep purple eyes, with soft brows and eyes.

"Can I sleep with you?"

The beautiful goblin grabbed his hand and held on tightly.

"Just one night, really just one night, okay..."

She made a soft voice, drawn long, begging him pitifully.

Like a clingy cub, with its soft belly exposed, it is very sticky.

She also rubbed his palm affectionately, as if trying to curry favor with him.

"I promise, I will be obedient, I will not move or touch randomly, okay..."

She held him tightly, eagerly, "Jiu Ge..."

The usually good-tempered god lowered his eyes and stared at her quietly.

There was no sound.

He smiled lightly, not knowing what he was thinking.


She tugged at his sleeve pitifully.

"You are the best...I like you the are the best person in the whole world to me...just sleep for one night, okay..."

She always relies on him to talk, so she makes progress step by step.

Very well-behaved, but also very good at judging the situation.

Because I know that a man with a good temper in front of me will hardly refuse her, no matter what strange request it is.

As long as she is submissive and acts coquettishly, it will always work.

Try a hundred spirits.

The snow-colored man in front of him didn't answer, but just pinched her face.

Not heavy, more like expressing his acquiescence.

By default...

her request.

The delicate and charming person's eyes lit up.

The cold and ascetic god lowered his eyes and smiled softly.

The smile is unclear, and I don't know what I'm laughing at.

Almost instantly, the person on the bed threw him down.

Like a hungry cub.

The man took off his coat with a magic spell, and was only in a thin plain suit.

Being hugged by her and rubbed against her constantly, he put one arm around her and nodded her forehead.

"Okay, don't move."

His voice was a little low, with a hint of tenderness.

"If you move around, you will be punished."

Even the tone of his speech was gentle and gentle, without any deterrent effect.

The person whose wish came true, hugged him tightly, smiled, "Okay~"

She said not to move, so she really didn't move.

She hugged him obediently and closed her eyes.

Hug very tightly.

The room gradually became quiet.

The man being hugged slowly covered her with the quilt.

Covering her, he touched her cheek lightly.

It's like touching a small animal.

The movements are exceptionally gentle.

(End of this chapter)

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