Chapter 1740 New Year’s Sweets (16)

"Sleep." He whispered softly.

As always, lull her to sleep.

The person who was holding him hummed, pillowed his arm, and was close to him.

Extremely dependent.

Tonight's night is very warm and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

Outside is the hustle and bustle of the world, but inside is a piece of quiet beauty.

The feeling of finally being able to sleep with someone who is happy makes Yun Si, who has always been lonely, feel very strange.

The heart is warm, and the body is also warm.

The whole body and mind are relaxed, and the whole body is comfortable.

It feels very comfortable and makes people feel at ease.

Especially when he was patting her on the back gently, as if coaxing her to sleep like a child, it made her feel...

Unspeakable satisfaction.

My heart is bubbling with satisfaction.

She looked up, her eyes were bright.

The scorching and magnificent light is like the brightest banquet fire in the dark night.

Burning amazing.

The warm god closed his eyes with a gentle expression.

She looked up at him for a while, but still didn't make trouble with him.

And quietly buried in his arms, hiding his warm joy.

The eyes are curved, like a child who got a lot of candy.

Very happy.

The god was still patting her on the back gently, waiting for her to fall asleep.

She was quiet for a while, then slowly and carefully took his other hand.

Catch it, don't let it go.

Even the fingertips were sticky and refused to stay away.

She clutches, eyes downcast.

His eyes were bent, and there was always joy in his eyes.

"Nine Songs..."

She held his hand softly.

"Nine songs, nine songs..."

The man closed his eyes, but did not open them, but still gave her a gentle hum in response.

She pursed her lips and asked, "Do you think...that old man just now counted correctly?"

The man said nothing.

He just opened his eyes calmly, his eyes darkened slightly.

The sweet and soft girl in her arms didn't seem to need his answer, she said in a low voice, "Actually... I don't really trust these fortune tellers."

"I'm a monster, not a person. Thinking about it carefully, I don't even know when my birthday is. How can those fortune tellers be accurate?"

She grabbed his hand and played quietly.

" you know...Actually, Granny Meng once calculated it for me."

"She said... my fate is extremely bad, and I was born with evil spirits. It is a sign of a hundred thousand evils. If I am not careful, I may fall into eternal doom."

"She also threatened me by saying that I am too powerful, and I am destined to kill those close to me."

"If you want to resolve it, you must find someone who can restrain my fate as soon as possible, otherwise... I will die soon."

"She said it was scary, but... I didn't believe it."

She raised her head and pursed her lips, "Do you know why?"

The man looked down at her quietly.

"Because...she was just wrong."

She leaned over, kissed him, and rubbed again.

"You see, my fate is not good. Although I am always hunted down, I have survived until now, and I am very lucky to have met you."

"Although we will be separated in the future, I am still very happy."

Really, very happy.

"Thank you for being nice to me."

She grabbed his hand and said every word.

"I will repay you if you ask."

She would give her anything.

whatever it is.

She looked very serious, extremely serious.

The man's eyes are peaceful.

"Si Si."

He held her waist lightly, very loosely.

(End of this chapter)

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