Chapter 1741 New Year’s Sweets (17)

Yun Si blinked.

He paused for a while, then smiled suddenly, and hummed lightly.

"There will be a chance to repay me, silly girl."

"One day, I'll open my mouth and say what I want."

I just hope that when the time comes, she won't refuse.

"..." She was slightly taken aback.

"Sleep, sweet boy."

He smiled and didn't continue talking.

He only touched her cheek lightly, with gentle movements.

"Sleep well, tomorrow...I'll take you somewhere."

His movements were like magic, slowly covering her sight.

She felt drowsy suddenly, without warning.

"...uh...where are you going?"

She yawned uncontrollably.

Buried in his arms dependently, hold him tight.

Eyelids half drooping, as if sleepy.

The man's movements were extremely gentle, and he turned slightly sideways.

He hugged her, patted her on the back lightly, and smiled slightly.

"No hurry, will know."

He is always so organized and can arrange everything.

Never need her to worry about.

The person buried in his arms hummed softly.

The voice was small, and it was obvious that he was almost asleep.

The strength of holding him was relaxed, and the hands were softly on his waist.

With eyes closed, breathing gently, he looked very good.

She was so good that my heart felt soft, and I couldn't help but want to do something to her.

The god who has been restrained and gentle, lowered his eyes and stared at her quietly.

Smiling quietly, gently kissed her forehead.

As always, give her a goodnight kiss.

"Silly girl, why don't you think about me..."

He hugged her slowly, sighing softly.

"I always talk about wanting to marry me, but why... don't you think of me at this time?"

There was a slight tap between the eyebrows to show helplessness.

"Silly goose……"

Other things make sense at all, but this matter can't be understood at all.

Stupid, how can people feel at ease?

He gently stroked her hair, his eyes were extremely dark.

Like the calm sea shrouded in dense fog in the dark night, it is thick and bottomless.

Not to be spied on.

The room was very quiet, and it soon became quiet after she fell asleep.

Quietly, isolated from the noise outside.

She fell into a deep sleep, still buried in his arms, ignorant of the outside world.

I couldn't even hear his sighs.

It's just like a soft kitten, obedient and obedient, with a very pitiful appearance.

Can't help but want to hug her tightly.

The thoughtful god, with his eyes downcast, kept his gentle gaze on her ignorant sleeping face.

Stay for a long time, fingertips cover.

Quietly, I don't know what I'm thinking.

After a long time, he slowly raised her jaw.

Breath looting.

He broke the etiquette and broke the rules for the people he cared about.

Even, a little strong.

The sleeping man moved his eyelids slightly.

Like waking up.

Unfortunately, she won't wake up.

The god who violated the rules was a little unstable.

Holding her face, he almost plundered uncontrollably.

The ends of the eyes were slightly red, stained with a beautiful hot lust.

Basically, it is difficult to regain sanity.

"Si Si Si..."

His white and flawless long fingers trembled slightly, wanting to go down.

Burning, wanting to do something, wanting more.

But finally-

He stopped when he touched her skirt.

Shrink slightly, tighten.

A little out of control, but still restrained.

Always restrained, do not want to hurt her.

He slowly closed those phoenix eyes that were rolling with lust, and calmed down.

"Grow up quickly... Si Si..."

(End of this chapter)

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