Chapter 1745 Rose Manor (34)

The rose petals fell lightly and fell into the air.

Before it hit the ground, it disappeared without a trace.

In the next second, the missing piece of rose grew out of the orange like magic.

Exactly the same as the original one, exactly.

Even, a little bit more charming.

The man's eyes fell on the flower, and his eyes were dark.

Yun Si stuffed the rose into his hand.

"If you don't believe it, you can try it."

After speaking, her figure disappeared.

It turned into the dots of tiny shimmering light, which dissipated in mid-air.


Almost instantly, the man took off the petals.

Before the future has time to leave, it will appear.

The beautiful, crystal-clear light swirled and stayed on the big balcony outside.

The slender and tall figure, like a light cat, appeared there.

Sitting on the edge of the balcony, propped up with both hands, tilting his head.


"Look, I told you I didn't lie to you."

The man in the room held the rose and turned around.

Look at her from afar.

Plain, with no emotion at all.

"come over."

His voice was not loud, and the empty hand dropped slowly.

The person sitting on the edge of the balcony nodded his finger.

The figure flashed and appeared in front of him in an instant.

"Thought the request?"

She tiptoed slightly and moved closer.

Seeing the slight cut on his face by the flower branch, she froze for a while.

Subconsciously, he reached out and covered it.

The fingertips were condensed with gentle light, and his wounds disappeared quickly.

Even the scratches on the feet disappeared together.

No pain at all.

She raised her lips and smiled.

"No thanks, it should be."

Mr. Qiao grabbed her warm arm, "This is not my request."

She tilted her head, "I know, you can think about it slowly, I'm not in a hurry."

She glanced at the bed behind him, then at him.

"Why don't you lend me a bed, so I won't go back?"

This seems like a better idea.

The man looked down at her, "Can you leave them?"

Yun Si nodded, "There's nothing wrong with it."

He grabbed her arm and said nothing.

Quietly, I don't know what I'm thinking.





eight pm.

Uncle Wang saw this lady who was carried back from the back garden by her husband.

When we met for the first time, he knew how to be modest and didn't ask any questions.

Just according to my husband's order, tidy up the side room next to his bedroom so that the young lady can live in.

The woman's clothes were also delivered quickly, and all were sent to the side room, which was filled with the fragrance of roses.

Extra strong.

That strange and beautiful woman was not restrained.

With hands behind their backs, they walked around quietly.

He didn't ask any questions, and seemed to just want to look at the house.

It gives people an indescribable feeling.

When Uncle Wang came out of the side room, he saw that his husband had been following that woman.

It is obvious that his legs and feet are inconvenient, but he still has to follow with a cane.

He kept staring at her closely, as if afraid that she would run away.

Uncle Wang murmured in his heart: "Could it be... this is the woman my husband was looking for a few days ago?"

However, if you find it, what should you do next?
He stood on the second floor and looked at that inexplicably beautiful woman.

I have some worries in my heart.

If that woman is a money-grubbing and selfish...then sir—

(End of this chapter)

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