Chapter 1746 Rose Manor (35)

He watched from afar without thinking about it.

Go downstairs and report.

"Sir, the room has been furnished, and it is all arranged according to your instructions."

The woman who was looking up at the painting on the wall turned her head.

She has a delicate face, and the dark green at the end of her hair is very vivid.

"Then, can I go in and live?"

Even the voice is soft and delicate.

Uncle Wang glanced at his husband, and respectfully replied: "You can do it anytime, miss."

"Thank you for your hard work."

She was very polite.

Uncle Wang couldn't help but sized her up several times.

The room was tidied up, and she didn't need to go around anymore.

Looking at Mr. Qiao who had been silent all this time, she raised a smile, her eyes curved, and she walked over to help him naturally.

"Do you want to go upstairs together?"

Very normal tone, as if talking to a friend.

Mr. Qiao, with a gentle and clean face, looked at her quietly.

In the dark eyeballs, only her figure was reflected, very flat and light.

No emotional ups and downs.

"it is good."

He slowly grabbed her hand.

It means that she needs to help.

Uncle Wang looked away silently.

The husband is willing to have physical contact with her, and even take the initiative to have intimate contact...

There was no need to ask any more questions, he already had an idea of ​​this unknown woman in his heart.

It seems that this woman...will only live here for a long time in the future, not temporarily.

Uncle Wang thought to himself.





Qiao Fu's legs and feet are inconvenient, and he always needs the support of crutches to walk.

Yun Si looked at it from a distance before, only feeling distressed.

Now that I was helping him at close range, I was even more careful.

Step by step, for fear of falling him.


There was no smile on her face, her eyes were lowered, she was slightly tense, full of tension.

Compared with her caution, Mr. Qiao seems to be somewhat benefited.

The corners of her lips curled up delicately, and she turned her body slightly.

Choose to lean on her body instead of crutches.

It is rare for him to rely on others so much, and this seems to be the first time that he relies on everything like this.

"Do you have any relatives?"

He held her waist and looked straight at her with a soft voice.

The attention is not on the ladder at all.

Yun Si watched him go, absent-minded.


"That means, are you the only monster here?"


"Do you feel lonely if it's just you?"

"will not."


"……what why?"

After finally reaching the last step, she raised her eyes, a little strange.

Mr. Qiao, who seemed to be in a good mood, repeated the question in a gentle tone.

"Why, don't you feel lonely?"

"If you're the only one, don't you even have someone to talk to?"

She blinked, her face was not red and her heart was not beating, "Isn't there still you?"

Very straightforward, without tweaking.

Mr. Qiao paused, "What?"

"I thought we were already friends."

Her beautiful light red eyes stared straight at him without any concealment.

"Aren't you, will you talk to me?"

It was scary before, but now...

He seemed to be back to his former self.

Very gentle, is a good person.


She held out her hand.

gestured to invite a handshake.

The gentle and kind Mr. Qiao looked at her steadily.

"Friend... friend... huh..."

He chewed these three words repeatedly, lowered his eyes, and smiled suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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