Chapter 1758 Rose Manor (47)

"Sir, I think there may be a misunderstanding between us. First, I didn't lie to you."

She wants to get rid of something.

"Playing around, isn't that considered cheating?"

The man's voice is soft and his tone is soft.

The gentle and elegant face, against the warm rose color outside the window, is extraordinarily soft.

It's just that those deep and gentle eyes are too dark, as black as poisonous snakes lurking in the dark night.

All are black.

Even the snake letter hissed out was cold.

Hidden in it, dangerous and charming.

"Does Si Si think that the matter of playing tricks can be dealt with in one stroke?"

The tone became softer and softer, so soft that it was completely wrong.

He looked at her affectionately and tenderly, with a faint smile on his lips.

Someone who wants to get rid of it: "..."

After a moment of silence, she opened her mouth: "Actually...that's not really a joke..."

She's a little underwhelmed.

"At most it's...molesting...that's all..."

Talking about playing tricks, she always feels like a scumbag.


Even if it was teasing, she didn't do anything to him...

At most, he blew his ears and gave him a hug.

Compared to those bullies' methods of teasing people, this can only be regarded as a little teasing, nothing...

She poked her finger.

Like a kid who knows he's done something wrong.

"Okay... Then tell me, what do you want me to do?"

"As long as I can compensate, I will try my best to compensate."

"Really?" Mr. Qiao smiled and touched her eyebrows gently.

The voice is still soft.

The girl in front of her hummed, her beautiful red eyes were exceptionally clean.

Like a ignorant and well-behaved little rabbit.

I have no idea how attractive this appearance is.

She nodded, looked at him quietly, and waited.

Mr. Joe touched her face tenderly and smiled.

"Really anything?"


"Whatever I want?"


"Even if I want you?"


She was visibly taken aback.

Eyelashes trembling, she looked at him, "Me?"

"Isn't it okay to say anything?" He quietly, reflexively.

"Are you trying to lie to me?"

"..." Yun Si was silent.

"Sir, we've only known each other for a short time. Wouldn't this be...not good?"

"What's wrong?"

His tone was soft and direct.

Yun Si thought for a while, "In your human world, this can be described in one word, such as... impulsive."

He smiled quietly and looked at her with deep eyes, "Then do you think I'm the kind of impulsive person?"

It is still a rhetorical question, calmly.

But in the invisible, there is an indescribable sense of strength.

Step by step.

Don't give in.

"..." Yun Si hesitated for a few seconds.


"You don't want to?"

He really didn't give her any time to think about it, so he pushed her very tightly.

It seemed to push her to the edge of a cliff, and she was only one step away from pushing her down.

It's hard to escape.

Yun Si slightly parted her lips, "...It's not... I don't want to..."

I just think it's too fast.

always feel...

"If there is no unwillingness, then it is willing, right?"

he asked her gently.

It seems gentle, but it can always hold the initiative.

"..." Yun Si stared at him.

After a while, she asked suddenly: "So, you want me to apply for an ID card, is it for the convenience of my marriage?"

The man smiled, his eyes were dark, he just smiled and said nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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