Chapter 1759 Rose Manor (48)

She kept looking at him.

"But sir, you should know that I am a monster, and the contractual relationship you humans have established is useless to me."

"I know."

He touched her head gently, very lightly, "But at least... With such a relationship, I will feel at ease."

He is a human, she is a demon, he has no way to restrain her, he knows that.

Even if she disappeared and never appeared again, he had no choice but to watch, unable to stop her.

He always knew.

But even so, he still wanted to do it.

At least, let him have such a relationship with her.

Just one layer is enough.

After all, he will be more at ease.

"Promise me, okay?"

His tone was calm and pleading.

It was a very gentle request, with the utmost restraint.

It won't affect her, everything is just for peace of mind.

Like a poor little daughter-in-law.

Even begging for marriage is always so submissive, wanting to settle down.

"I'm not impulsive, I think I've thought it through," he said.

"When I saw you in my dream, I already thought clearly."

"So, can you promise me?"


It really feels like a woman from a good family who has been molested comes to the door and begs the bully to take responsibility.

Poor thing, it's obviously not his fault.

Yun Si felt inexplicably guilty.



A good man from a good family is gentle and gentle, like a gentle breeze and drizzle, moistening things silently.

Yun Si, who was supposed to persevere even more, suddenly softened her heart.


"I won't leave you."

She stepped forward and hugged him.

He hugged her tightly, guilt-ridden all over his face.

"Get married, let's get married, you can get married whenever you want, it's up to you."


The man's expression was unclear, but his voice was still soft and cautious.

This time, Yun Si's heart softened even more.

It was so soft that it would turn into water.

"Really, I swear."

It was completely manipulated, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Then, after marriage, will you suddenly disappear?"

Still soft, like a little daughter-in-law of extremely low status.

Even the tone of the question was so uneasy and nervous.

Yun Si was very firm: "No, I assure you."



Completely manipulated.

Without knowing it.





"...Sir, have you really... thought it through?"

When Uncle Wang delivered the completed documents, he still couldn't hold back and asked a question.

"Miss Yun's identity is unknown, so she got married rashly..."

"Uncle Wang."

The barefooted man, holding on to the handrail and slowly practicing walking, stopped for a moment.

There was sweat on his forehead, panting low, his eyes swept over calmly.

Knuckle tap.

"I don't want to think about it any more."


The answer was a little different from what he thought.

The man who has always been calm in his affairs lowered his head and smiled, his eyes were extremely pale.

I can't see any emotions clearly.

"Can't think about it anymore."

His voice was very soft, "Think again..."

She disappeared again.

He didn't want to find her, and he didn't want to go back to the days when he couldn't catch her.

Enough is enough, he thought.

"Go and prepare, Uncle Wang."

"In the future, don't ask such questions again."

He looked down, very calm and rational.

"……Yes, sir."

(End of this chapter)

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