Chapter 1770 Rose Manor (59)


S presented the card in front of Qiao Fuxing.

The above content is very little, only a short sentence——

Believe it or not, I can make your wife lose a hand too?

On the back of the card is a printed photo.

The person in the photo is barefoot, walking alone on the street on a rainy night.

With his back to the camera, he was drenched all over.

The back is thin, the waist is slender, and the snow-white complexion is extremely beautiful.

It is also very directional.

She didn't show her face, but everyone present seemed to know who the person in the photo was.

The mild-tempered Mr. Joe finally stopped smiling.

With deep and dark phoenix eyes, she looked at the blood-soaked photo calmly.

The curvature of the corners of the lips became more and more shallow.

In the end, almost nothing.

Frost freezes, nothing more than this.

Even, his warm and white face seemed to be covered with a layer of cold haze.

Like a terrifying poisonous snake completely enraged, the smile on his face disappeared, and even the careless tap of his fingertips also stopped.

There was a deadly silence.

It was almost bitingly cold like falling into an ice cellar in the abyss.

It makes people shiver.

Qiao Zhenhuan probably also had the idea of ​​killing the fish and breaking the net, he was really crazy.

But this time, it was also the most correct time for him to figure out what Qiao Fuxing was thinking.

He wanted to use Yun Si to provoke him.

Finally, he succeeded.

Being followed by a car strapped with explosives, Mr. Qiao did not get angry;
Knowing that he was the instigator behind it, Mr. Qiao didn't get angry;
But when threatened by holding a photo, Mr. Qiao suddenly smiled.

Smiling calmly to the extreme.

The eyes were violent and frighteningly cold.

It was extremely cold and gloomy.

Almost chilling.

Mr. Qiao, who has always been mild-tempered, looked at the photo, smiled, looked at S and said:
"No matter what method is used, I hope..."

"My brother, have a good last weekend."

Even his tone was gentle, and there was no sign of being irritated at all.

But those who know him well know that this is his expression when he is extremely angry.

Smile instead of anger, behave more modestly and politely, and the smile on his face is also more kind.

It was like the last supper before the judgment, giving people a feeling that death was far away from him.

Simply terrified.

S bowed and took back the card: "Understood, sir."

Uncle Wang, who was standing aside, looked at the opened gift box and shook his head.

Forgive him for not being able to figure it out, why does Mr. Er always force Mr. to death like this?

Mr. Mingming has tolerated him a lot, until he received this gift box, he didn't intend to kill him.

It turned out that this gift box was such a big surprise.

Or directly threaten Madam——

No wonder Mr. is not crazy.

When S left, even the gift box was taken away and disposed of.

Uncle Wang had nothing to do, so he also withdrew.

When they went downstairs, they happened to meet Yun Si who was going upstairs with a bouquet of roses.

She was wearing a furry coat, a high ponytail, and a warm off-white scarf.

Her whole body was wrapped tightly, her cheeks were rosy and soft, and she trotted upstairs.

Those bright peach blossom eyes are extremely lively and beautiful.

Facing them, she hugged the rose and made way.

S bowed to her, and called Ma'am respectfully.

She hummed and glanced over the gift box.

"This is……?"

She was very sensitive to the smell of blood and almost smelled it when she went upstairs.

A little too smelly.

(End of this chapter)

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