Chapter 1771 Rose Manor (60)

Uncle Wang was afraid that she would find out that he was afraid, so he hurriedly said, "It's nothing, it's just a little prank, we are going to take it out and throw it away."

"Madam, are you going to find Mr. now? Mr. is waiting for you in the study."

"..." The person holding the bouquet of roses gave him a strange look, but said nothing.

They didn't want to talk, and she didn't ask any more.

Nod your head and go upstairs.

Holding the roses she planted with great difficulty, they were placed in vases everywhere on the second floor.

Decorate every part of the house very beautifully.

When going into the study, she didn't forget to touch her face.

Make sure your face is warm and your hands are warm.

Then he breathed a sigh of relief and knocked on the door.

After knocking twice, the door was pushed open.


The person who took off his bread and cotton clothes was wearing an off-white turtleneck sweater, poking his head.

Qing Wan's voice was very abrupt in the silent study room.

The gentle and white man sitting on the office chair with his eyes closed did not open his eyes.

He only slowly stretched out his hand and fixed it in the air, his voice was a bit magnetic and hoarse.

"come over."

She just came in and closed the door by the way.

Outside the window, a thin snow had already begun to fall.

Snow flakes, small dots, were blown against the window by the wind.

It was cold outside the window, the temperature had dropped below zero.

In the room, the air conditioner was still whistling, and the warm wind was blowing on the glass windows, which gradually became foggy.

Misty, blocking the dark snow outside.

Yun Si put the last rose on the vase on the table.

After looking at it with satisfaction, he put his hand on Mr. Qiao's.

Leaning over, skillfully climbed onto his lap, and sat down.

Mr. Qiao looked calm and hugged her tightly.

He habitually touched her face and hands, feeling warm, so he didn't say anything.

Leaned closer and kissed her.

Kissed both cheeks on the left and right, and then covered the upper lip.

Very lingering.

It's like never getting bored.

Yun Si sat on his lap and blinked.

As if feeling something, she asked, "What's wrong with you? Are you in a bad mood?"

He hugged her waist and paused.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised, and the voice is low.

"It's really bad, what should I do?"

He rubbed her face against her, as if it would make him feel better.

Yun Si didn't speak, thinking of the gift box that Uncle Wang and the others took down just now.

A strong smell of blood oozes out of the gift box, and it still smells like human blood.

If she guessed correctly...

It may contain a certain part of the human body.

Just don't know what it is.

She considered it for a while and asked, "Is... Did someone scare you with something? Scared?"

Mr. Qiao kissed her again and again, the curve of his lips deepened.

Pinching her ears, her voice was soft: "So smart?"

He can turn a serious discussion into an ambiguous atmosphere every time.

There is always a feeling of a faint king who is not interested in business and indulges wantonly in beauty.

Naked fool.

"..." She pushed him, trying to be as serious as possible.

"I'm not joking with you, be serious."

Mr. Qiao, who has become more gentle after marriage, smiled and didn't speak.

Holding her hand, he still kissed her gently.

As if to leave her face full of his own breath to be satisfied.

He's completely a foolish king who is obsessed with beauty and has no seriousness at all.

"Well, tell me, I'll listen."

He is casual, with a high nose bridge, and a loose smile on his eyes and eyebrows.

Old and unscrupulous, he is becoming less and less like the mature and steady person he was back then.

The action is always extra light.

"..." Yun Si blushed from the kiss and glared at him annoyed.

"I'm serious with you."

(End of this chapter)

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