Chapter 1772 Rose Manor (61)

With a smile on his face, he hummed and listened.

"..." She pursed her lips, "Is there really no danger? I do something?"

She smelled blood, which made her uneasy.

Mr. Qiao laughed, hugged her, and shook her slightly.

Like coaxing a baby.

"Silly girl, it's really all right."

"Don't you believe me?"

"..." I believe it, but I'm still a little uneasy.

Mr. Qiao touched her face tenderly, looked at her and said, "Trust me, okay?"

"..." She grabbed his sleeve, "Are you all right?"

"Well, it's fine."

He hugged her tightly in his arms and rubbed her head.

The tense emotions seemed to have eased, showing a tendency to soften.

"It's's going to be me..."

She was held and buried in his arms.

Carefully, cared for, treated like a treasure.


He lowered his eyes and smiled.

Outside the window, the snow is all over the sky, fluttering.

The ground is covered with that icy white, covering the withered rose branches, and covering all the colors.

Endless white, blindingly white.

It's like that sharp blade, when it's out of the sheath, it's about to kill.

Murder invisibly.





It is a very painful thing to be tortured in such a cold winter.

Qiao Zhenhuan did not die in the end, but was kidnapped and trapped in a dark cellar.

I don't know where, and I don't know when.

I don't even know who kidnapped him and what his purpose is.

He was blinded and his hands were tied behind his back.

Let him curse all over the sky, rampage everywhere, and no one pays attention to him.

His voice alone echoed in the cold cellar, echoing, echoing...

The mental torture suffered is more terrible and unbearable than the physical torture.

No one responded to him, which made his spirit even more manic and broken, and it was even more difficult to control.

Sometimes when he gets tired of cursing, he stops, and then the meal will be delivered.

It was placed at his feet silently.

The food was cold and sometimes rancid, as if he was being treated as a prisoner.

How could Qiao Zhenhuan, who had never been humiliated before, be able to swallow this breath?

He was just going crazy.

In the beginning, it was extremely hard to directly kick those meals down.

But in the end, after being hungry for three or four days, he went on a rampage, lost his strength, and his stomach ached from hunger.

I endured it for a few days, but in the end I still knelt on the ground in humiliation, biting the food with my mouth like a dog.

It was extremely embarrassing to eat, and it was also extremely ironic and absurd.

Back then, the arrogant young man who regarded human life as a straw, now he can live like a dog in order to survive.

It was hilarious.

When S sent the surveillance video, the mild-tempered Mr. Qiao had just woken up.

Putting on a light gray thin sweater, she sat by the bed, her back was thin and beautiful.

The typical figure looks thin when dressed, but has a fleshy figure when undressed.

Extremely pleasing to the eye.

He didn't watch the video sent by S, but just glanced at it.

Then, lowering his eyes, he turned around.

Quietly look at the person who fell asleep on the bed and hasn't woken up yet.

The room was dark, the curtains were drawn, and it was snowing heavily outside.

The gentle and elegant Mr. Qiao leaned over slowly in the warm air-conditioned room.

Through the quilt, half pressed her, and gently touched her face.

The sound is very soft.

"Si Si."

(End of this chapter)

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