Chapter 1777 Rose Manor (66)

He grabbed her hand and kissed her, his phoenix eyes were deep and charming, watching her with utmost tenderness.

"I just need a baby."

A child is needed, to do things for him.

"..." Her eyes flickered slightly, and she looked at him silently.

Those wine-red light peach blossom eyes are extraordinarily bright and beautiful under the slightly dim light.

Watery, always looking at him so unconsciously and seductively.

She is delicate and can't bear the slightest grievance.

If you are aggrieved, a mist will appear.

As if about to cry.

"I'm sorry... I can't conceive—"

Mr. Qiao seemed to know what she was going to say, and suddenly covered it.

Some strong, but extremely lingering.

Being tender with her, enjoying such a warm time before going to bed.

Her eyelashes trembled, but she didn't make another sound.

She just hugged him quietly.




After a long, long time, Mr. Qiao let her go.

Gently touching her red and warm cheeks, her eyes were deep and tender.

"Silly girl, I didn't mean that, huh?"

"..." She pursed her moist lips, "That, what do you mean?"

Mr. Qiao hugged her whole in his arms and sighed softly.

"I'm just thinking, what can I make our Sisi's life more comfortable...happier...and"

"...Then what's the matter with the child?"

The person being held in his arms was muffled.

Mr. Qiao lowered his eyes silently.

The curvature of the lips is shallower, faint, and the bottom of the eyes is pitch black.

"Si Si."


He seems calm.

Without speaking, he gently grabbed her hand.

Grabbing her hand, slowly, covering the corners of his eyes.

There, there are already wrinkles.

Shallow aging wrinkles.

It symbolizes that he is no longer young, but... getting older and older.

Until the end, to the end of life.

Yun Si's fingertips trembled.

"I'm worried... what will you do if I'm gone?"

She was held in his arms, unable to see his expression at this moment.

All I could hear was his very soft voice, so soft that it was a little scary.

Like a gust of light and fluttering wind, it has dispersed before it can fall.

Can't grasp, can't touch.

She froze slightly.

Mr. Qiao held her hand and lowered his eyes, always blocking the emotions in his eyes.

She only bent her lips silently and said, "You know... I once had a dream."

"In the dream, I was gone...and you...were pushed down and bullied..."

He kissed her finger, extremely tender.

"Actually... I know it's just a dream, I can't count..."

"But... I'm still very angry...very angry."

So angry that I don't know what to do.

So angry that it really drove him crazy.

He was in so much pain that he was reluctant to even say a word on weekdays, wishing that the girl who held everything in front of her was pushed to the ground, bullied, and kicked out of the manor——

He thought he would go crazy.

Really, going crazy and wanting to kill everyone.

"Ah Fu..."

She moved, trying to look up.

But Mr. Qiao held her down.

"...I...I am a one can hurt me..."

She was forced to bury her in his arms with a muffled voice.

With a somewhat delicate nasal voice.

"Don't worry... I—"

"Si Si."

He interrupted her gently, eerily calmly.

"I don't want to gamble."

No matter how hard he tried, he would pave the way for her in the future.

And the child is just his first step.

(End of this chapter)

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