Chapter 1778 Rose Manor (67)

When Qiao Zhenhuan threatened him with a severed hand, he began to plan.

Step by step, take care of all the property and transfer it to her name.

She doesn't need to worry about anything, all she needs is that child, be obedient.

He hugged her, showing a gentle smile.

Like coaxing a child, he rubbed her head bit by bit.

Gently, softly, kissed her, and said:
"Don't be will be fine..."

Everything has him.





After that, Yun Si never saw Qiao Kaiyang again, and she didn't know how he was doing.

It is only occasionally learned from Uncle Wang that his academic performance is very good, he has graduated from the business school ahead of schedule, and has started to handle the company's affairs.

Mr. Joe takes him occasionally, but more often than not, he is already trying to be independent.

Soon, the days passed in a flash.

After his 50th birthday, Mr. Qiao began to age at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Wrinkles appeared on the face, and the jet-black hair gradually lost its color and turned gray.

Perhaps it was because of a car accident that injured his foundation, Mr. Qiao's health began to become a little unwell.

Walking often requires assistance from people.

With a slightly hunched waist, he picked up the supporting crutch again.

Trembling, two legs can hardly use any strength.

Yun Si looked distressed and wanted to help him.

But the aging of his body is in line with the laws of nature and is irreversible at all.

Forcing changes will only make him suffer more.

Therefore, she can only be careful and take care of him.

Just like he had always taken care of her before.




When Mr. Joe was 80 years old, he was very old.

It is not easy for people who have hurt their foundations to live to this age.

The day he left, the weather was fine.

Outside the manor, the sky is blue, the sea of ​​roses is red, and the sun is shining brightly.

Everything is so beautiful, as if nothing has changed.

Mr. Qiao, who looked very old and his body became more and more rickety, sat on the balcony, leaning against Yun Si's arms, panting lowly.

It's like I can't breathe.

The years have left too many traces of vicissitudes on him.

The teeth fell out, the eyes were cloudy and lifeless, and the white hair was sparse.

Just like that, being blown by the gentle wind, quietly.

The face illuminated by the warm sun is full of wrinkles and spots of age spots.

Dry, thin, dull lips.

Very ugly, very ugly, an ugly old man, lifeless.

And for the person who has been holding him from the beginning to the end, the years seem to have treated her very kindly.

Still delicate and beautiful, fair and flawless.

Like the delicate and charming rose that will never wither, with snowy skin and red lips, it is astonishingly beautiful as a picture.

Even the fingertips are treated gently, it is a pink and soft color, without a trace of wrinkles.

She hugged the extremely aging man beside her, and basked in the sun with him.

Softly, gently humming to him.

It was his usual song to lull her to sleep. When he was young, he always liked to hug her and lull her to sleep like this.

Now he couldn't hum anymore, so she hummed softly instead.

Hugging him, holding his hand that is as old as a stack of old tree roots.

The dull yellowish color of her skin made her delicate and fair skin even more, like suet jade, beautiful and soft.

Always young.

Mr. Qiao, who is already very old, has not spoken for a long time, as if he is about to fall asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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