Chapter 1779 Rose Manor (End)

A gentle breeze blows, spreading the faint fragrance of roses.

Invisibly, it seems to be surrounded by thousands of bouquets of roses. It is very fragrant, and it is also like a lover's hand, gently brushing people's cheeks.

Gentle and invisible.

The very old Mr. Qiao leaned in the arms of his beloved.

Slowly, very slowly, he grasped her hand tightly.

He wanted to use his strength, but...he was too old to have much strength.

Even moving is a bit difficult.

Fortunately, the person who was accompanying him noticed his movements immediately.

She paused and grabbed his hand tightly.

She lowered her head and kissed his wrinkled forehead.

The voice is played very softly.


Mr. Qiao seemed tired, very tired, so tired that he couldn't even open his eyes.

Feeling her beside him, he seemed to smile.

With some difficulty, she moved her shriveled lips.

Like, something to say.

Sound, almost none.


Yun Si's eyes trembled.

Probably realizing something, she pursed her lips, and her eyes were slightly hot.

Like a cat, she whimpered softly, and leaned over to listen to him.

very serious.

"Speak, Fu, I'm listening."

However, he couldn't even speak.

It was difficult to utter a complete sentence, but I tried my best to hold her hand tightly.

It seems that no matter what, he will not let it go, and he is not willing to let it go.

"..." Yun Si lowered her eyes and sucked her sore nose.

It seems that he already knows what he wants to say.

"I love you too, Fu."

"Forever and ever, I only love you..."

She whispered in his ear.

Word by word, very clear, as if deliberately for him to hear clearly.

Very old Mr. Joe, with sagging eyelids drooping, seemed to be smiling.

He held her hand tightly, as if using his last strength.

It's not big, but it can still make people feel that he is working hard.

Desperately trying to catch her.

forever and ever.

"..." Yun Si felt like crying.

The heat in her eye sockets made her uncomfortable, and her vision became a little hazy.





But, she still didn't cry.

Resisting it, he kept blinking.

Holding the person whose body temperature was gradually cooling in his arms, he kept sniffling.

I have been enduring, holding back not to cry.

Mr. Qiao once said that he hated seeing her cry the most.

When she cries, he will feel distressed and reluctant.

Therefore, she dared not cry.

Afraid that he would hold on and refuse to leave.

This will only exacerbate his pain.

She took a deep breath, and kept breathing deeply.

When the tears cannot be held back, wipe them away immediately.

Never let them fall out.

Mr. Qiao didn't speak any more.

The body is also gradually getting colder.

Under such warm sunshine, in such a season full of rose fragrance, he fell asleep and never woke up again.

But he doesn't seem satisfied.

The hand still maintains the posture of holding her, still exerting force.

Even though he was gradually becoming stiff, he still held onto her, as if...

It has become a muscle memory engraved in the bones.

Yun Si hugged his body, holding back tears.

Take a deep breath, forcing yourself to hold back.

Feeling his departure, she lowered her head and kissed him.

The voice was a little choked up for a while.

"It's's okay..."

They will see you again.

A momentary separation will usher in a reunion again.

She will wait for him and say goodbye to him.

(End of this chapter)

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