Chapter 1780 Duplicity (1)


The manor, which has experienced a hundred years of vicissitudes, has become more and more intoxicated and charming as the years go by.

Every inch of the corner bears traces of time, old but extraordinary.

In the manor with a hundred years of vicissitudes, the most eye-catching thing is the large expanse of blood-red roses.

From spring to autumn, roses always grow and adorn here.

It blooms in spring, and withers and sleeps in winter.

Year after year, the gorgeous colors are like the bright skirts on girls.

Blown by the gentle wind, washed by the invisible years.

Gradually, from immature to mature.

Like the graceful girl in a cheongsam, in the misty rain of the years, the charm of agarwood is more and more attractive.

Teasing people, invisible.




Here, it used to belong to the Qiao family.

Later, after the previous person in charge of the Qiao family passed away, the position of the master was changed.

The manor belongs to a woman, and there are special people to take care of it, year after year.

With the passage of time and the replacement of servants, until now, no one knows who she used to be.

All I know is that she was once a beloved person.

After the person in charge of the Qiao family passed away, she became a lonely widow.

Not only did he inherit all the inheritance of the Qiao family, he also owned the ownership of the manor.

Extremely rich, it can even be said to be as rich as an enemy.

However, even with such a huge amount of wealth, the hostess is very idle and rarely leaves the manor.

Like the unworldly princess on the well-cared-for ivory tower, wearing a delicate crystal crown, she is always accompanied by wild roses all over the ground.

Isolated from the world, she has been living here, like a goddess who has been hidden from the world, and few people come to disturb her.

Time changes, time flies.

The outside world is still noisy and intriguing.

Only here is like a paradise on earth without troubles.

There is no intrigue, no scrambling for fame and fortune.

There is nothing, only the roses all over the sky, and the beautiful hostess.

Living here seems to have no end.





On this day, Qiao Kaiyang, the current leader of the Qiao family, came to report the situation of the family to this woman as usual.

Although the woman doesn't care about things, she still controls most of the property of the Qiao family under her name.

All kinds of real estate, equity, bond dividends, cash flow...

There are dedicated people to help her take care of everything, and she can almost earn tens of millions a day.

And these were all arranged for her by her husband before he died, because he was afraid that she would have an unhappy life and worry about life.

So everything is arranged to ensure that she can live comfortably and without stress in her life.

This is a good move, but...

The descendants of the Qiao family won't get half of the benefits at all.

I can only rely on her to live, and life is very difficult.

Qiao Kaiyang entered the manor in a car, and the first thing he saw was the roses all over the ground.

The petals are warm and lively, growing more and more recklessly, and have spread under the green vine labyrinth.

There are bright red flowers everywhere. In such a hot summer day, they are still stunning and beautiful, facing the sun and basking in the sun wantonly.

There are servants watering the flowers everywhere, colorful butterflies are flying among the flower thorns, and the fragrance of roses is overflowing.

Looking from a distance, the gorgeous villa standing in the center is already surrounded by wild roses all over the ground.

It was fiery red, like the wine that God knocked over the glass, and the ground was full of magnificent colors.

Extraordinarily eye-catching and wonderful.

(End of this chapter)

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