Chapter 1791 Duplicity (12)

He looked at Yun Si, and then at the open fried rice on the ground, but he didn't move.

As if he had some scruples.

"Let's eat," she said.

He also took two steps back in good faith to distance himself.

The dogs seemed to understand what she said, and immediately approached the box of fried rice.

The fried rice was just out of the pan, and it was still steaming and a little hot.

But after being hungry for a long time, it is rare to have such a big meal. The dogs all squeezed their heads, scrambled, and gorged themselves.

The tail wags excitedly.

Yun Si stood on one side, watching them, waiting for them to finish eating.

A portion of fried rice is not much, and a few dogs eat it, and it will be finished soon.

It was licked clean, not even a grain of rice was left.

However, the dogs only ate a few mouthfuls, not even enough to plug their teeth.

They approached her one after another, looked at her eagerly, and wagged their tails.

Like begging her for another serving.

Yun Si squatted down.

"Ask you a few questions, you answer me first, and I'll buy you three more meals, how about it?"

Nature is good.

The dogs squatted down, barking excitedly.

"First question, do you know a boy who lives on the sixth floor over there?"

She pointed in the direction of the distance.

"Wearing school uniform, curly hair, black schoolbag, a tall boy."

The stray dogs all looked over.

One of them was barking, very loudly.

Yes, his name is Jiang Wen, and his father is a gambler!
The stray dogs have lived on this street for a long time, and they know almost everything and don't hide it.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, "Has he lived there for a long time? Besides Dad, who else is there?"

"Wow woof woof! woof woof woof woof!"

No more, just him and his father. His father often loses in gambling, so he is often beaten.

"What about him?"

"Wow wow wow wow!"

He's fine, he's smart, and he'll hide whenever someone comes to collect his debts.

"What about his mother?"

"Wow woof woof woof woof!"

His mother died because she was ill and had no money to treat her.

"Wow wow wow wow!"

Yes, he looks like an orphan.

"..." Yun Si looked into the distance and frowned slightly.

"Wang Wang Wang Wang Wang!"

look!That is the person who often collects debts from Jiang Wen!
Most of the dogs lowered their heads when the man passed by.

Like a little scared.

Yun Si looked over and saw that it was the person who had just appeared in the small fried shop, she gave a meal.

The beautiful peach blossom eyes narrowed slightly.

"He often collects debts from Jiang Wen?"

"Wow woof woof woof woof woof!"

Yes, he is bad, collecting debts everywhere, and he also likes to find good-looking boys, saying that he wants to make them stars.

"Wang Wang Wang!"

Where is the star?It's just bad intentions!

The dogs obviously didn't like the man, and they rushed to say bad things about him.

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!"

He often bullies Jiang Wen!Sometimes I want to take advantage of Jiang Wen!

"Wow wow wow!"

Yes, yes, last time I saw him trying to grab Jiang Wen's hand on the main road, but Jiang Wen was very vigilant and ran away.

"Wow woof woof woof!"

That's right, that's right!I also heard him call before saying that he wanted to trick Jiang Wen away and drag him to the guild hall to do those disgusting things!

"Wang Wang Wang! Wang Wang Wang!"

Yun Si looked at the man, and left with the packaged powder.

The pace of walking reveals the four characters of excessive indulgence.

She looked calm, recalling what he said on the phone just now.

(End of this chapter)

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