Chapter 1792 Duplicity (13)

Tonight at [-] o'clock... the Folly Hotel?
Yun Si looked in the direction where Jiang Wen lived.





Seven o'clock in the evening.

Qiao Kaiyang had just finished a meeting and returned to the office.

Before he could sit down, his cell phone rang.

It was Yunsi calling, which is rare in a hundred years.

When he saw the note, he froze for a moment.

Immediately, he answered the phone immediately.


Not knowing what the person on the phone said, he picked up the suit jacket on the side and walked out.

"Okay ma'am, just wait a moment, I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, he flipped through the phone's address book.

Soon, he dialed a number and went out.

"Hello, Fuli Hotel..."




After hanging up the phone, Yun Si tapped Erlang's legs and sat on the sofa in the hotel lobby.

Watching the people coming and going inside and outside the hotel, leaning there, drinking tea leisurely.

The movements are somewhat leisurely and comfortable.

Outside the hotel, it was already dark.

It was pitch black, with no clouds in the sky, only the full moon hanging high.

Located in the bustling center, Fuli Hotel is decorated extremely luxuriously, looking like an exquisite crystal palace from the outside.

There are many luxury cars coming and going, and those who can get in are people worth tens of millions.

Yun Si looked around the area, and then looked at the time.

A waiter brought exquisite dim sum to the table in front of Yun Si with a smile on her face.

"Miss, this is a gift from our hotel, please enjoy it."

Yun Si looked at her and put down the cup.

Lifting his chin slightly, he asked, "Can I see your manager?"

The professional smile on the waiter's face remained unchanged, "Yes, miss."

"The manager will be here soon, please wait a moment."

While speaking, the manager arrived.

A group of people followed behind, walking hurriedly with respectful expressions.

Come in front of Dai Yunsi and bow.

"Miss Yun, I'm sorry to keep you waiting. I'm Cai Mengzhong, the main manager of Fuli Hotel. You can call me Xiao Cai."

After the manager came, the waiter tactfully withdrew.

Leaving them alone, a group of people stood there, bent over, facing a young woman sitting on a sofa.

The picture was a bit weird for a while.

Yun Si lowered her legs and stood up.

Pressing his peaked cap, his tone was flat.

"Call out the list of guests surnamed Wang tonight, now, immediately."

"Yes, Miss Yun."

Cai Mengzhong immediately asked someone to do it.

Then, he made a gesture of please.

"Miss Yun, why don't you sit in the office first, and when the list comes out, it will be delivered to you immediately. This will also save some time, what do you think?"

Sitting in the hall is too assertive and will be quite noticeable.

Now, many people have watched it.

Yun Si is not a showy person either, so she agreed without saying anything.

Went into the manager's office of hotel management and waited impatiently.




Fortunately, the hotel staff are extremely efficient in handling things.

In less than 3 minutes, the list was sent in a hurry.

Yun Si took the list and checked it.

The list shows that among the guests who booked hotel rooms tonight, there are two surnamed Wang.

One is a real estate tycoon, the boss of Chengyang Group——Wang Qinghui;

Another one is Wang Zhihuang, the boss of Shangwang Culture Co., Ltd.

At the end of the list, the wealth and background of the two people are also thoughtfully attached.

Yun Si flipped through it for a while, then raised her eyes: "Shang Wang, is it an entertainment company?"

(End of this chapter)

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