Chapter 1794 Duplicity (15)

Outside the elevator, just as Yun Si stepped out, she saw him standing there.

He still kept his head down and didn't speak.

Quietly, the thin back looks very thin.

It looks as if it could be blown down by a gust of wind.

Yun Si paused, turned around, and took the prepared document from the accompanying person.

Then he waved his hand, indicating that they could leave.

Cai Mengzhong bowed quietly before returning to the elevator.

A group of people took the elevator down.

Yun Si held the document and looked at the young man who had been standing in the room for a long time, her gaze was a little gentle.

Walk over, step very lightly.

When Jiang Wen felt someone approaching, he looked over immediately.

Under the light of the aisle, his already fair face was even paler.

There was no blood, and it was deserted, and the light-colored young round pupils became a little dark.

In the dark, he looked at her.

Almost undisguised aggressiveness.

But the next second, when he saw it was her, he was obviously stunned.

The hand that was holding the knife tightly in his pocket suddenly let go.

His fingertips trembled, and his eyelashes trembled.

He stared at her fixedly, without moving or blinking.

Beautiful and clear eyes, very soft and soft, like a young animal.

Make people happy.

Yun Si met his gaze and coughed lightly.

Walk over, swipe the card, and open the door of room 1609.

The lights in the room were turned on in response, and she looked at the boy who had been staring at her without speaking, stretched out her hand, and rubbed his head.

"come in."

Because of his immature and clean appearance, she even spoke softly.

The light in the boy's eyes flickered slightly, but he was still quiet.

He didn't speak, and watched her walk in, motionless, and didn't know what he was thinking.

After Yun Si turned around to look over, he lowered his head again.

With a somewhat cramped pace, he walked in.

The hand that was in the pocket slowly stretched out.

Falling down, silently.




The door of the room was closed, and there were lights everywhere inside, spacious and quiet.

The hotel's service staff delivered the food early, and it's still hot.

Yun Si changed her shoes and went to pour a glass of water.

Handed it to the exceptionally silent boy with clear eyes.


The young boy's clean light gray pupils quietly watched her, and he pursed his lips.

Slowly, hesitantly took over.

Under her gaze, he lowered his head and drank in small sips.

It really looks like a rabbit, with short, fluffy and slightly curly hair.

It just looks soft.

Too soft.

Yun Si watched him finish drinking the glass of water without a single drop left, she slightly curled her lips, and asked suddenly, "Aren't you afraid I'll take medicine?"

"..." The boy was taken aback.

Obviously stunned, watching her quietly.

Then the hand holding the water glass was a little helpless.

The lips are moist, full of that sweet water.

I don't know if it's the sweetness of the water, or he is sweeter.

Yun Si's beautiful peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, and her smile gradually surfaced.

"What a stupid rabbit..."

This sentence is very light, it should have been a soliloquy.

But in this overly silent room, for some reason, I could hear it exceptionally clearly.

The snow-white and delicate boy bit his lip slightly and lowered his head.

Somewhat at a loss.

The ears, which were originally white and tender, slowly and silently became red.

It was a beautiful red color, soft and hot, just like his whole body, soft and tight.

He didn't speak, just stood there stupidly.

(End of this chapter)

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