Chapter 1795 Duplicity (16)

Standing tall and thin, with a slightly hunched back.

Under the illumination of the light, her appearance is extraordinarily soft and beautiful, just like the delicate and fragile porcelain doll in the window.

It makes people want to be careful when touching it, and dare not use force.

Yun Si laughed, and took the empty cup in his hand.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore."

She always accepts as soon as she sees it.

The boy trembled his eyelashes and looked up at her.

The eyeballs are wet and soft.

It was also exceptionally clean.

"Are you hungry? I ordered a meal, would you like to have some together?"

She naturally took the crumpled agreement in his hand, and tore it up in front of him.

Then, the debris was thrown into the trash can without falling an inch.

She paused when she touched his hand.

Feeling the sweat stains on his palms, it was cold and not warm.

She threw away the agreement, with a natural expression, and gently grabbed his hand.

Lead him to the dining table, press him to sit down.

The teenager's fingertips shrunk slightly, and his moist and soft light-colored eyes stared at her quietly.

The rice on the table is very fragrant, and it is a small dish carefully arranged.

Yun Si sat down opposite him, picked up the chopsticks, and picked up two pieces of meat for him.

"Eat it quickly, it won't taste good when it gets cold later."

In fact, she was also hungry, but if he didn't eat, she couldn't eat first.


A small voice resounded in the silent room.

Yun Si paused while holding the chopsticks.

The boy's face turned redder instantly, and he lowered his head in a panic.

It seems that I can't wait to find a crack in the ground to get in.

"..." Yun Si couldn't help laughing.

"Eat it, fool, it won't hurt you."

With that said, she gave him two more pieces of meat.

He also took a bowl of nourishing chicken soup and placed it in front of him.

The boy with his head down slightly bit his lip, his ears were red, and he looked up at her.

Facing her smiling gaze, he lowered himself a little flustered.

He hummed dryly in response.

He seemed to trust her very much.





Slowly pick up the chopsticks and eat.

The boy always looked at her from time to time.

Look very stiff.

Yun Si knew that he was a bit introverted, especially in front of strangers, he seldom talked.

So she naturally picked up vegetables for him, again and again.

He lowered his head, held the bowl, and quietly ate the food she gave him.

Eating slowly, some babies' fat cheeks bulged slightly.

Eat like a cute big hamster.

Until the end, Yun Si was full and still pinched him.

With a small voice, he raised his head slightly, "Enough...enough..."

he is full...

The beautiful and thin boy's voice was low and soft, he was really obedient.

Even though I am full, I still eat.

Try hard to finish the food she picked up.

Seeing that he was almost done eating, Yun Si stopped serving food.

Putting down the chopsticks, looked at him with a smile, and propped his cheek.

"Then you eat, I won't hold it."

Only then did the boy lower his head, his ears were red, and he continued to eat slowly.

After eating the last bite, she also drank the soup she scooped up.

Yun Si handed him a tissue, he was stunned, and took it quietly.

He lowered his head and wiped his mouth.

It looks red and tender, like a ripe plump cherry.

Tender and juicy.

Yun Si curled her lips slightly, looked at him, and didn't speak.

I want to kiss, but unfortunately...

Can only endure.

Otherwise, it would be bad to scare away a stupid rabbit.

She tapped her fingertips and said softly, "If you're full... talk about it?"

(End of this chapter)

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