Chapter 1796 Duplicity (17)

"..." The boy raised his eyes quietly, looking at her with wet and soft eyeballs.

Without speaking, the hand holding the tissue was put on the side of the leg and tightened slightly.

Some unconsciously crumpled the tissues into balls.

Looking at it from a distance, his thick eyelashes trembled, like a palm fan, seductively tight.

After meeting Shang Yunsi's gaze, he quickly moved away again.

Hanging down, staring at the tabletop of the dining table, quietly.

As if waiting for her to speak.

Yun Si glanced at the direction of the coffee table and got up.

Walk over and take the drafted agreement over.

Gently put it in front of him, and said: "The previous agreement is void, this, you can take a look first."

The thin and beautiful boy was taken aback for a moment, and then he fixed his gaze on her.

Yun Si raised her chin, signaling him to look first, she was not in a hurry.

"This is not a mandatory agreement, you can choose to sign it, or you can choose not to sign it."

"As for your father... don't worry, I've already paid off his debts for you, a total of 20."

"Of course, it's not gratuitous. You still have to pay me back, so you can see that I'm your creditor now."

"However, I know you don't have any money now, so you don't have to rush to give it to me. It won't be too late when you earn money from work in the future. You don't need to be burdened with this agreement, and it doesn't matter if you don't sign it. of."

The boy stared at her quietly, his two soft eyeballs were as clean as black grapes that had been washed.

Very dark and beautiful.

As for what she said to him, he seemed to have heard it, but he didn't seem to have heard it.

I haven't moved for a long time, and I don't look at it.

With her hands resting quietly on her lap, her slightly curly hair is fluffy and looks soft.

The whole person looks very well-behaved, and he is so gentle that he has no temper.

Looking at his appearance, Yun Si couldn't figure out what he was thinking for a moment.

After thinking about it, she added: "It's okay, if you haven't thought about it, you can take it back and have a look."

"This artist agreement, if you think it through and don't want to sign it, just send me a message, so you don't have to run around."

"..." The young man gently lowered his eyelashes.

Under the light, the thick eyelashes cast a light and soft shadow.

Very beautiful, and very pleasing to the eye.

He was like the overly delicate porcelain doll in the window, with fair skin, red lips and white teeth.

Between the eyebrows and eyes, there is always a bit of immature milkiness.

Totally soft, you can't help but want to kiss him, want to do something to him.

Seeing his appearance, Yun Si tapped her fingertips lightly, feeling a little itchy in her heart.

Looking at him, he finally made a move.

She opened the agreement quietly, as if she didn't read anything, only turned to the last page.

Above, Party A has signed.

Cloud... Si...

He raised his head slightly, staring at her with wet eyes.

Yun Si blinked, "Yun Si is me, I am Party A and the person in charge of the company."

"If you have any problems in the future, you can talk to me directly. After all, the agreement is dead, and people are alive. Everything is easy to discuss."

The boy quietly lowered his eyes, staring at the name of Party A.

He didn't say a word, was too silent, and didn't know what he was thinking.

Yun Si knew that he still needed to think about it, so she didn't rush him.

Glancing at the leftovers on the table, she turned sideways, took the hanger on the wall, and dialed the hotel customer service number.

The phone went through quickly.

Yun Si asked them to come up and collect the food.

(End of this chapter)

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