Chapter 1804 Duplicity (25)

Yu Xuewei had almost figured out his temperament, and was not annoyed, she went into the kitchen to pour water by herself.

While drinking, he sat on the sofa opposite him, crossed his legs, so that he could relax.

"How do you like the script? Are you satisfied?"

"The audition is scheduled for tomorrow, and the time may be a bit rushed, but I have already made an agreement with the director, and then it will be a formality. The role of Ling Gong will directly appoint you by default, so you don't have to be too nervous—"

"I want to play Ji Yuqing."

He spoke abruptly, and his voice, which still hadn't faded from the boyishness, was very calm.

Extremely calm.

Yu Xuewei's voice stopped abruptly.

"……What did you say?"

She put down her glass, "Do you want to play the leading role directly?"

At this moment, I really don't know if I should say that he is not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf...

Play the male lead directly?That's enough... ignorant and arrogant.

She endured it, patiently, and said:

"The male lead is both good and evil, with multiple extreme personalities, and it is adapted from a novel. The original book has a strong fan base. If it is not played well, it will be easy to be scolded."

"I know." He put down the script, lowered his eyes, and his tone was very light.

"So I think this role should be a good fit for me."


Why can't she understand what he is saying?
Yu Xuewei was silent for a while, but she still persuaded, "Is this okay? Be obedient first, and we will first choose the role of Ling Gong this time."

"The role of Ling Gong is also quite good. He is a decent, upright person. He is a knight in the rivers and lakes. Many girl fans like it."

"You are just acting now, and there are many details that must not be in place. We can't just ignore word-of-mouth now."

"If the audience has a bad impression of you at the beginning, it will not be easy to develop later—"

"Then let the director decide."

He interrupted her calmly, "The audition tomorrow, if the director also thinks I'm not good enough, then follow your own, how about it?"

"..." Yu Xuewei choked slightly.

"You... really want to play Ji Yuqing so much?"

The fair-skinned and calm boy didn't speak, and he spoke surprisingly little.

Seeing his appearance, Yu Xuewei weighed for a moment.

"Okay, since you insist on doing this, then go for it."

"But we have to make an agreement first. If it doesn't work, obediently play the role of Ling Gong back to me?"

Jiang Wen sat there, holding his mobile phone, still silent.

Dingding looked at the screen of the mobile phone, not knowing what he was looking at.





When Yun Si woke up, the sun was already high above the sky.

The rain stopped, but there was still the occasional sound of water ticking outside the window.

It seemed to be rainwater left over from last night.

Yun Si was lying on the bed, not wanting to move much, lazily, hugging the quilt.

Even the tail of hair reveals a lazy charm.

Too delicate.

There was still no one knocking on the door outside the room. Everyone knew that she liked to sleep late, so they would not bother her.

Yun Si lay on the bed for a while, then reached out to get the mobile phone on the bedside table.

Click on it, and saw the message Jiang Wen sent her for the first time.

In just a few words, every word reveals the meaning of indifference.

She buried half of her face in the pillow, watching quietly.

Then he lowered his eyes and pursed his lips.

"Knew it……"

As gentle as Mr. Qiao was to her, the reincarnated Mr. Qiao would treat her as much...


She closed the phone and threw it aside.

If you don't speak, you will be even more depressed.

(End of this chapter)

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