Chapter 1805 Duplicity (26)


As if counting the time, there was a knock on the door.

It was the butler's voice, deliberately softened.

"Ma'am, are you awake?"

"..." The person whose face was buried in the pillow muffled and didn't answer.

Even covered the quilt on his body.

Completely acted like an ostrich.

Outside the door, the butler's voice came again, asking:

"Madam, you said last night that you would move to Huating Garden in Nanshan District. I have ordered people to prepare for it. I don't know when you want to leave?"


There was still no movement in the room.

The butler stood outside and waited patiently for a while.

Five minutes later, the door of the room opened.

The messy and long haired person said without emotion: "Forget it, I won't move."

It's useless for her to move there, she can only look at things that can't be touched, it's better to stay here and sleep comfortably with her Mr. Qiao's clothes.

Butlers are well trained and bow down.

"Okay, ma'am."

After closing the door of the room, Yunsi picked up the phone and clicked on the chat interface with Yu Xuewei.

She messaged her this morning, but for some reason, she retracted it.

Probably posted it wrong.

Yun Si looked at it for a few seconds, then typed:
I will not be in Mingsha City often in the future, Jiang Wen, please take good care of me.

If you have anything to do, you can go to Qiao Kaiyang, he will help you deal with it.

After editing these words, she sent them over.

Before she had time to exit the interface, Yu Xuewei returned.

Very fast reply.

If you're not in Mingsha, where are you?

Yun Si: Jinnan Island, the scenery here is very good.

Yu Xuewei didn't ask any more questions, but simply replied hello.

Yun Si put down her phone, walked to the window, and looked at the sea of ​​roses outside the window for a while.

I stretched my waist and started to exercise my muscles and bones.





one year later.





"Jiang Wen! Jiang Wen! Jiang Wen!"

"Ahhh!!! Jiang Wen is out!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhh man! I love you, husband!!!"

At the awards show, countless fans crowded each other holding signs at the door, and the scene got out of control for a while.

The security guards have sent several batches of additional personnel, but they still can't hold back the fans who are too crazy.

"Jiang Wen!!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

At the gate, when the thin, slender, tall man came out, the already crazy fans became even more crazy at this moment.

As if they had been injected with a strong stimulant, the tall and stalwart security guards couldn't stop them at all.

Seeing that the scene was fierce and out of control, it was extremely chaotic.

The man in the center, wearing a black peaked cap and a mask, just said nothing, and got into the car with the hard support of the bodyguards.

The car was closed, but the fans outside were still blocking like crazy, surrounding the entire car like a zombie siege.

Through the glass, you can see the fanatical support of fans, signs, cheering lights, all crowded together.

Even the reporters couldn't squeeze in, so they could only squeeze in the periphery far away to take pictures.

It's tricky.

"Jiang Wen!!! Jiang Wen!!! Jiang Wen!!!"

The cheers of the fans drowned the crowd like a tidal wave.

The entertainment reporters on the outside tried a few times, but it still didn't work.

It's just helpless.

"These fans are really..."

"No way, who made that Jiang Wen popular?"

Still became popular overnight, relying on the role of Ji Yuqing.

(End of this chapter)

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