Chapter 1806 Duplicity (27)

No one really expected that he would be the biggest dark horse this year.

Getting to the top overnight is nothing short of a miracle.

The reporters looked at each other tiredly, held up their cameras, and squeezed in desperately again.





After evacuating the fans, the car finally drove out of the venue smoothly.

In the car, Yu Xuewei was arranging her clothes, her makeup was also messed up, and she was in a terrible mess.

The assistant brought her makeup remover paper from her bag, and Yu Xuewei was panting while wiping her face.

The face is full of survivors.

"My God... are these people really crazy?"

To be able to push her like this, and almost push her to the ground, is simply——

She just wanted to swear.

The assistant sitting in the passenger seat swiped his phone and smiled: "Sister Wei, it's not their fault. After all, our brother is so popular now, it's normal for him to be crazy."

Yu Xuewei wiped off the makeup on her face, and then glanced at the man who had been silent all this time.

A year has passed, and the clean boy who always showed his anger and joy on his face has completely changed now.

It has become like an iceberg without emotion, except for the lines, there are very few words every day.

Complete indifference, as if always keeping a distance from others.

With a calm face, it is impossible to understand what he is thinking.

Yu Xuewei took out the new script from the bag, handed it over, and said:
"This is the script that director Yi Tae-won took over on his own initiative, and he called you and said that he wants you to play the male lead."

"You can read this script first, and if you like it, you can make an appointment with the director to talk about it another day."

The man wore a peaked cap and looked indifferent.

Pressing the sharper eyebrows, the baby fat faded away, revealing only the perfect jawline.

The lips are thin, the crimson color is light, and there is no curvature.

The breath on his body was extremely cold, like a thin layer of ice in an ice cellar, almost freezing to the bone.

Excessively rejecting people thousands of miles away.

He glanced at the script and opened it.

After flipping through a few pages randomly, I returned the script.

The boy's voice faded, and his voice was low and cold.


Concise and concise, completely cherish words like gold.

"..." As expected.

Yu Xuewei took a deep breath and put the script on his lap again.

"Director Yi Tae-won's plays can win international awards. They have both depth and audience base. Many actors can't act if they want to act. You really don't want to accept it?"

The cold man in the peaked cap didn't speak.

Looking out of the window calmly and indifferently, completely ignoring what he didn't want to hear.

Extremely casual.

Yu Xuewei endured it and squeezed a smile, "I will tell the director that all the intimate scenes in it will be deleted, so the head office will be fine, right? Ancestor?"

There are basically only two reasons why Jiang Wen can't accept the drama.

One is that the script is not good, and the team is not good.

Another one is refusing to act in intimate scenes.

Even holding hands is not enough, the requirements are too high.

Bad temper.

So, she almost gritted her teeth and said this sentence.

The man in the peaked cap still didn't speak.

But the script was never thrown back.

I barely agree to see it.

Yu Xuewei held back the words of swearing thousands of times in her heart, and picked up her phone.

Start messaging.

"I think you have spoiled Jiang Wen."

The message was sent by clicking send, and it was sent in no time.

The profile picture of the other party is a cartoon cat, rolling on the wool, very soft and cute.

After sending the message, the other party replied quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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