Chapter 1827 Duplicity (48)

"..." Sure enough, Jiang Wen was still the same Jiang Wen.

Always have a knack for pissing people off.

Yu Xuewei was suddenly not embarrassed anymore.

Stepping on high-heeled shoes, stomping in, I feel at ease.

"Can't I come and see you?"

"I don't want to come and see you. What if you die here alone, no one finds out, and the body stinks?"


Yun Si coughed and looked at her.

These words seem to be a little unpleasant to hear.

Yu Xuewei's words faltered, "Ah... yes, you can't say such unlucky things."

"Sorry, Jiang Wen."

She forgot that Yun Si was very protective of him.

Like a babysitter.

Jiang Wen, who was all cold, stood up without saying a word.

left the living room.

Completely ignored.

Yu Xuewei was obviously used to it, and sat down on the sofa unceremoniously.

"Is he really sick?"

He doesn't look well.

Yun Si nodded, "I have a fever, and I'm drinking too much."

"When I came over last night, I was already burned unconscious."

Like a perverted lunatic.

Yu Xuewei understood, "That's okay, you're here."

"But...he didn't do anything to you, did he?"

She probed.

Yun Si raised her eyebrows, "What can he do to me?"

Yu Xuewei coughed, alluding to just now.

"This is between you..."

"It's done?"

"..." Yun Si paused.


"Then why did you..." hug each other so intimately?
According to Jiang Wen's cold and repulsive personality, he should push her away, but how could it be...

Yun Si rubbed her forehead and smiled, "'s a long story."

"In short, it didn't work, so you don't have to think about it."

Yu Xuewei shook her head and sighed, "I really don't understand what you are thinking."

Obviously both of them like each other, but they have been deadlocked like this.

No one opened their mouths, just torturing themselves like this.

I don't know who can be happy with this.

Yun Si leaned on the sofa, feeling helpless.

"He minded that I was married, so..."

So it seems like it won't work.

Yu Xuewei was stunned, "He cares about this?"

Yes, which man would not care about this?
Yun Si smiled, as if she didn't really want to talk about it.

"Let's leave it at that, it's fine."

She guarded him from a distance, and it was good to live like this for the rest of her life.

Yu Xuewei was silent.

When he wanted to say something more, Jiang Wen came out of the kitchen.

Served the porridge and washed the spoon.

Yu Xuewei turned her head to look at him, then lowered her voice to Yun Si.

"Would you like to make a bet that he really doesn't want to be with you?"

"..." Yun Si froze for a moment, then shook her head, "No, it's not good—"

"That's it, I bet he thinks."

Yu Xuewei snatched the words, "If I lose, I will be fined one year's salary."

"If I win, how about you paying me an extra year's salary?"

"..." Yun Si opened her mouth, "No - I didn't promise you -"

Before she could finish her sentence, Yu Xuewei stood up.

Stepping on high heels, he walked over to the restaurant.

Never give her a chance to refuse.

Yun Si also stood up and stood there, a little helpless.

She...why didn't she listen to the whole thing?

She watched Yu Xuewei pull away the chair from the dining table and sit down.

She picked up the spoon and bowl that Jiang Wen had just placed.

You are welcome.

"Jiang Wen, did you cook this? It's delicious."

(End of this chapter)

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