Chapter 1828 Duplicity (49)

"..." Jiang Wen, who is tall and tall, looked at her with cold eyes as she drank the porridge cooked by Yun Si.

His eyes were dark and he said nothing.

There is an excessive calmness.

He paused for a while, and looked at Yun Si who was sitting on the sofa in the distance.

Of the two bowls of porridge on the table, Yu Xuewei drank one...

Yun Si blinked and looked at him.

Without saying a word, he turned around and went into the kitchen.

When he came out again, he came out with a good porridge.

Obviously he is the patient, but for some reason, he doesn't seem to have such self-knowledge.

Putting down the bowl, he looked at her again.

He didn't say anything, but Yun Si seemed to understand what he meant.

He wanted her to come over and eat together.

"..." Yu Xuewei sipped the porridge and looked at the two of them.

The atmosphere is indescribably subtle, making it difficult not to think too much about it.

She coughed and said, "Miss Yun is on a diet recently and is quitting carbohydrates, so she can't eat porridge."

"Give me this bowl, I'll help Miss Yun eat."

Before he finished speaking and stretched out his hand, Jiang Wen glanced at her coldly.

Pick up the bowl of porridge and move it away, out of her reach.

Just don't want to give it to her.

Yun Si curled her lips slightly.

"It's okay, you can eat."

With that said, she picked up the phone.

"It's getting late, so I won't bother you."

If she continued to disturb her like this, she was afraid that she would soon be unable to hide her thoughts.

" fast?"

Yu Xuewei put down the spoon and stood up too.

Jiang Wen didn't speak all the time, just stood there with the bowl in his hand, looking at her.

not moving at all.

Yun Si hummed and walked to the entrance.

Open the door and go out.

However, before the door was closed, she was pulled back.

Jiang Wen chased her out and grabbed her hand.

His hands were still cold, having just touched the water.

A little wet, holding her, a little hard.

"Let's go after eating? You don't have to worry."

He held her hand a little tight, tightly, not letting go.

The crimson color on his face had faded, and he became pale again.

It was as white as paper, without any blood color.

The pitch-black eyes stared at her just like that, and his voice softened a bit.

Unconsciously, with a bit of softness.

Still as soft as a boy.

Ask her softly, without knowing it.

Yun Si paused and looked at him.

Quietly, without emotion.

"Jiang Wen."


"You should be better off, don't worry me."

She was serious about every word.

"Don't drink too much next time and take care of your body, okay?"


This sentence is like farewell.

As if to never see the same.

The man held her hand tighter, tighter, with extra force.

"Si... Si Si..."

He looked a little helpless, his lips twitched, and his eyes gradually turned red.

The voice is getting softer.

"You...where are you going?"

"Yes... are you going for a long time?"

He was choked up again, just like last night.

It looks fierce, but it is actually very fragile.

Too fragile.

Her simple words can break him down.

Make him unable to stand up again.

Yun Si paused.

"Jiang Wen, that's not what I meant—"

She was about to explain, but in the end, she saw Yu Xuewei who was listening behind the door.

Yu Xuewei quietly opened the door a little, and gestured to her.

Let her go on, don't stop, keep prodding him.

As long as the stimulation reaches the peak, he will speak his true thoughts.

She looks excited.

(End of this chapter)

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