Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1861 Rose Manor + Duplicity

Chapter 1861 Rose Manor + Duplicity (Part [-])

After Dr. Stephen left, the kind and warm Mr. Qiao coaxed his wife to sleep as usual.

His wife is squeamish, and after forming a habit, she always asks him to tell stories.

She can't sleep without a story.

Mr. Qiao was leaning against the bed, wearing gold-rimmed glasses, holding a storybook in one hand, and gently touching the girl's face with the other.

The tone is gentle, thick and steady, like the gurgling cello sound on the strings, which makes people's ears feel crisp unconsciously.

It was so crispy that my heart swelled.

The person holding him was buried in his arms contentedly.

Like a clingy kitten, it uses both hands and feet.

Always haunt him.

Joe is very gentle and patient.

He would kiss her, hold her, and put her to sleep like a child.

He never lost his temper, even though it often took more than an hour.

Instead, he will patiently coax her to sleep.

People can't help but want to rely on him.




Tonight, she was probably really sleepy, and fell asleep not long after.

Mr. Joe's story isn't even half-finished yet.

Mr. Qiao held the delicate man who had fallen asleep in his arms, and was still reading.

Low and gentle, neither rush nor slow.

I have been patient, waiting for her to fall asleep completely, to fall into a dream completely.

The person who relied on him like a cat had his eyes closed and breathed evenly.

Under the soft and warm yellow night light, her side face is fair and beautiful.

As beautiful as that delicate flower.

After reading the story, Mr. Qiao bowed his head again and kissed her forehead.

As usual, kiss her goodnight.

"Good night, my darling."

He gently grabbed her fingers and kissed them one by one.

Cherish it so much, be careful to the extreme.

And the delicate person who was already asleep, with his eyes closed, didn't know anything.




That night.

The ultimate late night.

The manor was completely silent, as if it was shrouded in a dream.

Everyone fell into a deep dream and entered a beautiful dreamland.

The roses in the manor were also quiet, bathed in the quiet moonlight.

Everything is asleep, all of them.

Apart from……

Mr Joe.

Mr. Qiao sat down slowly, in the small living room of the bedroom.

There is a door across the bedroom, so the sound will not pass through.

His movements were slow, his phoenix eyes were gentle, and he quietly looked at the camera set up opposite him.

At the top of the camera, a red light flickered slightly.

It means that the camera is recording video, facing him.

Mr. Qiao looked at the camera gently, and smiled slightly.

She has a very shallow smile, deep phoenix eyes, and a very soft breath.

There was no hint of aggression.

Sit with your hands lightly on your knees.

His back is thin and he sits upright.

He stared at the camera, smiled, and didn't speak for a long time.

Like, don't know how to speak.

Also like, that calm look.

Through the camera, stare deeply and look at it.


He said softly, with his slender fingers resting on his legs.

On the ring finger above, there is a silver diamond ring.

It looks a bit old, as if it has been worn for a long time.

Mr. Qiao stroked silently and turned slightly.

"My name is Qiao Fuxing, Sisi's...husband."

In front of him, the red light of the black camera was flickering and recording.

He stared quietly, the corners of his lips remained unchanged, and he smiled gently.

"The reason why I want to record this video is because I feel that... such a day will always come."

(End of this chapter)

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