Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1862 Rose Manor + Duplicity

Chapter 1862 Rose Manor + Duplicity (Part [-])

He spoke softly, very lightly, horribly lightly.

He even lowered his eyes, blocking all emotions.

Smiling quietly, his complexion warm and white.

"But...I still hope...that this video will never be seen by anyone."

"Si Si... will never fall in love with anyone else."

His voice was soft and always gentle.

Just like how he feels, he is like a spring breeze, without a trace of hostility or sharpness.

He lowered his eyes, and the curve of his lips deepened.

Looks like it's laughing, but...

But people can't feel the emotions he should have.

Those lean shoulders look...

A little lonely.

Sad loneliness.

He smiled and looked up again.

The deep phoenix eyes are also slightly curved.

Very gentle arc, like half a breeze.

"But if you have seen this video, it means..."

"My girl has fallen in love with someone else, another man who makes her happy."

"As for who this man is..."

He paused, fingertips silently stroking the wedding ring on his ring finger, and smiling.

Smile calmly.

"I think I probably won't have a chance to see it."

His voice is soft and his tone is soft.

Terribly light.

The red light of the camera was blinking, recording silently.

"I always feel that something is unacceptable."

He spoke softly, as if talking to himself.

"But... I've been thinking, what will she do if I leave?"

"She is so squeamish and doesn't know how to take care of herself. Picking branches and flowers can cut her... If I'm not here, she gets hurt, hurts, and cold, what can I do..."

His eyes slowly fell on the silver-gray velvet brocade box that was prepared.

Above, is the pattern of the little prince and red roses.

The little prince held the red rose devoutly and believed devoutly.

Carefully, hold the rose in your hand.

He stared quietly, his eyes were extremely gentle.

Soft to the bone.

"So, if another person can show up and treat her sincerely..."

"I think, it's not so unacceptable anymore."

He kept rubbing the wedding ring between his fingers, silently.

"If there is such a day, that person really appears... Si Si fell in love with him..."

"I want to say..."

He slowly raised his eyes, his dark phoenix eyes, watching the camera calmly.

It's like going through time and space and talking to someone.

He said softly, "can you... treat her well?"

The red light of the camera blinks quietly.

"She is very simple, easy to trust people, and show her most trustworthy side, very childish."

"Sometimes, she accidentally breaks things and has a little temper..."

"These are not important things."

"So, can you...don't lose your temper with her?"

His brows and eyes are gentle, and his tone is very light.

Gently begging, or, the posture is lower.

"She has a soft heart, and if you lose your temper with her, she will get hurt."

"She is a good child. When she is hurt, she will only hide and cry secretly. You will be reluctant, right?"

He paused, and the curve of his lips softened slightly.

"Of course... I don't know why you approached her."

"Maybe it's because of money? I think she's innocent and easy to deceive..."

"Or, you don't love her at all, everything...just use her."

(End of this chapter)

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