Today, the hostess, has she lost her studies?

Chapter 1863 Rose Manor + Duplicity

Chapter 1863 Rose Manor + Duplicity (Extra [-])

He said, lowered his head, and smiled.

His face was calm.

"No matter what the reason is, as long as you hurt her and deceive her..."

"Then I won't let you go."

he said, softly.

"You can guess what I have left besides the money..."

He slowly raised his head, still smiling.

"If she gets hurt and shed tears, then revenge...will come soon."

"I can swear with my soul that my revenge will be punished a thousand times on you."

The camera stood there quietly.

Red light flashes.

He watched and smiled.

Deeply, chillingly.

This is a warning, but also a threat.

He's warning that future man, whoever it is...

He has plenty of ways to make his life worse than death.


He looked... like a madman.

He said softly: "My girl, I have never been half wronged."

"In your hands, if you make her shed a tear..."

He smiled, very softly.

In the deep and charming phoenix eyes, a dark purple light flashed past.

It's so fleeting that it's hard to notice.

"But I believe that you won't... right?"

His voice was soft, without much strength.

But like a god, the voice gradually became ethereal and void.

Like an oracle, it falls.

Incomparably holy.


Totally brainwashed.

Like boiling a frog in warm water, slowly, it takes control of people's minds.

Thoroughly, turning people into puppets.

One, an obedient puppet.

Jiang Wen sat in front of the computer screen, his eyes dazed for a moment.

As if losing his sanity, he became stupid.

He didn't move, as if he had been robbed of his heart and soul, after watching the entire video.

The mind is dull and dull, and has not moved for a long time.

"I will treat Si Si well..."

He followed the video, muttering and repeating.

"I won't bully her...I will always be nice to her..."

At this moment, he is like a machine that has been programmed with a virus, repeating the instructions he received word for word.

Completely stupid, without a soul.

"I will treat Si Si well...I will treat Si Si well..."

"Sisi's life is my life...I will love her her forever..."





After repeating the received instructions, the video flashes and is automatically destroyed.

The person sitting in front of the computer still looks like a robot.

No ego sanity.

Totally robbed of myself.


Suddenly, there was a thunder outside.

I don't know when, it started to rain.

The rain was pattering on the windows.

The person with dull eyes, in the next second, the deep purple in the bottom of his eyes slowly emerged.

He looked up.

The muddy stupidity suddenly dissipated.

In an instant, a piece of clarity was restored.

With a calm and indifferent face, he looked at the computer screen indifferently.

It was raining heavily outside, and he didn't look out the window at all.

That strong hypnosis was useless to him.

He looked at it unresponsively, the only file storage left.

The video was destroyed, and there was only one folder left inside.

Quietly, freeze there.

Jiang Wen clicked on it.

The folder opens, and a new window pops up instantly.

Inside, there are dense memos.

One after another, the number is astonishing.

His brows were calm, and he opened it.

Browse them one by one.

It's all about Yun Si.

(End of this chapter)

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